E.R. CALAVASSO, Cyprus postmark (T.23) on 1902 KE7 ½pi Crown CA wmk (SG.50). £32
26 used MOKA, Mauritius postmark on QV 4c orange CA wmk (SG.104). £14
41 used ST. PIERRE, Mauritius postmark on 2c on 36c on QV 9d (SG.120), rare on this. £15
KENEMA, Sierra Leone postmark (072.03) */AP 26 32 on KGV 2d (SG.134). £15
11 used ST. LUCY, Barbados postmark (C2) bootheel on 1874 1d deep blue (SG.66). £7
A57, Jamaica postmark on QV 1d Pine wmk (SG.1a). £10
14 used MAHEBOURG, Mauritius postmark on 1880 QV 17c rose Crown CC (SG.96), perf. faults. £16
252, Cape of Good Hope postmark on 4 x ½d, 2 x 1d (SG.59a,61) piece. £8
Via LISBONNE label, Portugal postal history in deep blue with manuscript (V)or PORTUGAL affixed by hinge to collectors notes with reference to The Philatelist Vol. 17 No.7. Such labels being exceedingly rare. Scans of green "Via Brindisi" labels on the only two known Malta covers for reference. The label was issued by Delfosse et Cie., Paris, and is believed to have been used to indicate the route for mail sorted on board ship, one label put on the top cover of a bundle. £525
C61 used SAN JUAN, Porto Rico postmark on 1867 GB QV 6d straw Plate 4 Spray of rose wmk (SG.Z101, Cat.£200). £115
PARCEL POST G.P.O. BLOEMFONTEIN, Orange River Colony postmark on Transvaal stamps Putzel unrecorded interprovincial dated NOV 2 1912 in purple ink on pair Transvaal KE7 4d MCA wmk (SG.265). £75
CAMPBELLVILLE PA, British Guiana postmark (T.34, allocated D1-2) corrected spelling skeleton retaining spaced VILLE PA (Proud unlisted as such) dated 15 DE 52 on KG6 1c, 4c, 6c piece. £15
BAGOTVILLE, British Guiana postmark (T.34, D7-1) skeleton dated 2 AU 50 on KG6 3c (SG.290) piece. £7
WHIM, British Guiana postmark (T.35, D10-2) skeleton dated 21 MY 62 on QE2 5c (SG.335) piece. £4
A64, Jamaica postmark on QV ½d CC wmk (SG.7a). £2
A64, Jamaica postmark on QV 4d CC wmk (SG.11). £4
A64, Jamaica postmark on QV 1/- CC wmk (SG.13), diagonal crease, very rare on this. £14
A64 used PORT ANTONIO, Jamaica postmark in blue ink on QV 2d CC wmk (SG.9a), vertical crease, rare on this. £30