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A67 used PORT ROYAL, Jamaica postmark/cancel
on QV 1d CC wmk (SG.8).

G16 used PRIESTMAN'S RIVER, Jamaica postmark/cancel
on QV 2d CA wmk (SG.19), rare on this issue.

G13 used HALF WAY TREE, Jamaica postmark/cancel
on QV 4d red-orange CA wmk (SG.22), scarce.

G16 used PRIESTMAN'S RIVER, Jamaica postmark/cancel
on QV 1d CA wmk (SG.17), thinned but very scarce on this issue.

A79 used BALACLAVA, Jamaica postmark/cancel
(Type K) on QV 4d CA wmk (SG.22b).

A.60 used OCHO RIOS, Jamaica postmark/cancel
(Type M, narrower "A" than Type H) on QV 1d Pine (SG.1), extremely rare on this issue.

A62 used PLANTAIN GARDEN RIVER, Jamaica postmark/cancel
on QV 2d Keyplate (SG.28).

A66 used PORT MARIA, Jamaica postmark/cancel
on QV 1d CA wmk (SG.18).

A67 used PORT ROYAL, Jamaica postmark/cancel
on QV 3d CA wmk (SG.21), rare on this issue.

A75 used SAVANNA-LA-MAR, Jamaica postmark/cancel
(Type L) on 6d Pine wmk (SG.5).

A79 used BALACLAVA, Jamaica postmark/cancel
(Type K) on QV 2d Keyplate (SG.28), scarce.

BARBADOS to TRIESTE (Austria) postal history
1890 printed address cover from N.E. Parravicino with QV 1d to Trieste pmk'd open bootheel duplex dated A/SP 12 90.

A67 used Port Royal, Jamaica postmark/cancel
on QV 6d CC (SG.12).

A64 used PORT ANTONIO, Jamaica postmark/cancel
in blue ink on QV 2d CC wmk (SG.9), rare as such.

JAMAICA "A01" postmark transferred to G.P.O. London Foreign Section on BRITISH SOMALILAND stamp
(Type E) cancelling uncancelled 1903 British Somaliland QV 6a olive-bistre (SG.7). Exceptionally rare on this.

CANCELLED air mail sticker to Karachi, Great Britain postal history
three reign cover to Karachi pmk'd Hastings 17 May 1937 with air mail sticker tied boxed "CANCELLED".

UNION-ISLAND, St. Vincent postmark/cancel
s/ways down C/JY 13 -- (no year) on horiz. pair 1905 KE7 ½d MCA wmk (SG.85).

MESOPOTAMIA, St. Vincent postmark/cancel
C/DE 20 86 on QV 1d rose (SG.48a).

A57, Jamaica postmark/cancel
on QV 1d CC wmk (SG.8).

74, Ceylon postmark/cancel
on QV 16c pale violet CC wmk (SG.126)
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