JAMAICA REGISTERED, Jamaica postmark dated NO 9 79 on QV ½d claret (SG.7), exceptionally unusual on this issue. £12
JAMAICA postmark Type PD14 in red dated 8 FE (1)884 on stampless piece. Showing circular background to handstamp which would have clearly led to rounded corners of oblong with progressive use, Proud records FE 2 1889 to AP 7 1897 £14
JAMAICA to CAYMAN ISLANDS postal history 1952 advertising cover from The Rapid Vulcanizing Co. Ltd, Kingston to GRAND CAYMAN with KG6 ½d, 2d pmk'd Kingston 25 SEP 1952. £15
PD in oval, Jamaica postmark superb on QV 1d CC wmk (SG.8a), rarely available. £60
MARTHA/BRAE and IAMAICA, Jamaica postal history 1792 lengthy entire from David Hood headed "Trelawny, Jamaica 7th Feb 1792" to James Stothart in Dumfries rated 1/- changed 1/7 showing weak MARTHA/BRAE (overstruck MAR 26 arrival) and IAMAICA (42 x 6mm). Contents include "Mr. Meredith, Postmaster & clerk of the vestry, died lately at Martha Brae" £120
Rare watercolour "View at IDANRE from Camp", Lagos postal history (Ex John FORREST) 1898 outer wrapper with reverse showing an exceptional rare inclusion of watercoloured painting addressed to Miss Ambrose, Hampstead, London with QV 2½d tied oval of bars with rare POST OFFICE EPE (T.11) cds dated A/JU 7 1898 (ERD),
lower left portion of this single sheet torn away. Ex JOHN FORREST. £825
Port Antonio, JAMAICA to FRANCE postal history 1853 entire to Orleans, France re-directed to Charing Cross, London rated 1/2 with framed red "POSTAGE NOT PAID/TO LONDON" despatched with PORT-ANTONIO dbl-arc (P3) dated MY 6 1853. Lengthy content from John Richards describing the discovery of "copper well interspersed with silver" found on one of his properties and "strong indications of Black Lead" on another. The letter goes on to describe the boom in mining and exploration - "The Parish of Portland seems to be one vast lump of mineral worth, every day brings a new discovery". £240
LUNSAR, Sierra Leone postmark (089.01) */20 DE 46 on KG6 1/3d (SG.196a). £5
POSTAL STATIONERY ENVELOPE with COMPLETE OFFSET, BRITISH GUIANA postal history 1896 use of complete 2c carmine PSE locally to Hopetown, West Coast, Berbice pmk'd Georgetown and on reverse FORT WELLINGTON OC 10 96 d/ring opened 3 sides to show full intense offset of the printed design. Not recorded in T+H handbook £140
SHOSHONG, Bechuanaland postmark 27 IV 65 on QE2 1c (SG.168). £12
A18 used ENGLISH HARBOUR, Antigua postal history 1885 cover to R.V. Sherring, Hallatrow, Nr. Bristol with strip of three, single QV 1d carmine-red tied "A18" (a second type) with ENGLISH HARBOUR A/DE 4 85 cds alongside. Top left with re-instated "via Saint Thomas", reverse with most of flap removed showing Hallatrow and Bristol DE 21 85 cds. Sold "as is". Note: This A18 cancel is not of the type proofed and sent out in 1858. It is now thought that the cover is contrived and fabricated in the early 1950's. £500
TRINIDAD postal history 1975 cover to Calais, France with QE2 5c, 30c x 2 pmk'd 9 MAR 74 with red boxed FLOWN BY/HOVERCRAFT RAMSGATE and 1/- EXPORTERS LETTER SERVICE label depicting Sir Rowland Hill tied blue POSTE - RESTANTE/BP 300-62/CALAIS - RAMSGATE cachet. £75
P(A) WINEPERU, British Guiana postmark (T.34, Proud D1-1 but not listed showing "A" of "PA" omitted) MY 7 53 (reads MY 5 3/7) on KG6 24c (SG.312). £12
No.50, British Guiana postmark (T.12b) 6 NOV 1899 on 4c Inland Revenue (SG.178), toned. £15
KENEMA, Sierra Leone postal history (072.07, long arcs) */12 NO 59 on QE2 6d PSRE with added QE2 6d, 1/- to Leicester, black KENEMA reg. handstamp. £18
BRADFORD, Sierra Leone postmark (019.02) reversed B/21 JU 58 on QE2 1/- (SG.217) piece. £50
Plate Proof Winston Churchill issue, British Guiana stamps 1966 fully gummed and watermarked imperforate black vignette PLATE PROOF depicting St. George's Cathedral, Georgetown (The tallest wooden building in the world) as used for both 5c and 25c values (SG.374/375, as enclosed), small mark and minor paper bend. Stated only 10 examples exist. £185
BRITISH GUIANA postal history 3-line "By Air/From British Guiana/To New York." (T+H Type 2, Proud AM17) in red in on KG6 4c, 6c, 36c cover to Gowrock, Scotland pmk'd AIR MAIL 28 MY 43, cellophane EXAMINED BY 4413 attached. T+H only records in red ink, period of general use MY 15 37 to NO 11 44 per Proud handbook £14
CHAPLAINS OFFICE 2 BLACK WATCH, British Guiana postal history 1955 unused OHMS foolscap cover with OHMS label added pmk'd F.P.O.955 cds dated */9 MY 55 with handstruck purple cachet CERTIFIED OFFICIAL/9 MAY 1955/CHAPLAINS OFFICE/2 BLACK WATCH to The Chief Staff Chaplain, Berkeley Square, London. T+H handbook Pages 246-247 record use for the F.P.O. 955 cds for period OC 23 53 to JY 10 54 £65