Njassa., Tanganyika postmark Proud unlisted temporary rubber str. line with separate 21.AUG.30. str. line date on KGV 15c (SG.95) piece. £160
BERMUDA postal history 1887 cover to St. John's Wood, London marked "Builder etc" at lower left with QV 1d rose-red, QV 3d grey (SG.23,28) pmk'd St. Georges K3a "2" duplex dated A/JU 16 87 with London N.W. JY 1 87 arrival backstamp, some soiling etc. £150
POA 27, Natal postmark on KE7 1d (SG.148), minor fault. £14
POA 20, Natal postmark on KE7 1d (SG.128). £18
POA 19, Natal postmark on KE7 1d (SG.148). £20
POA 33, Natal postmark on KE7 1d (SG.148). £15
K3 "2" (handstamp II) used ST. GEORGE'S, Bermuda postmark short band of use on 1880 QV 4d orange-red CC wmk (SG.20). Currently recorded period OC 21 to DE 22 1880. £36
K3 "2" (handstamp II) used ST. GEORGE'S, Bermuda postmark short band of use on 1873 QV 3d orange-buff CC wmk (SG.5, Cat.£65). Ex Geoff Osborn. Currently recorded period OC 21 to DE 22 1880. £95
GRENADA postal history 1944 stampless OHMS/S. DE S.M. cover to Mrs Rose Joseph, Gouyave Estate with purple oval WINDWARD ISLANDS/2 DEC 1944/GARRISON H.Q. cachet, reverse GOUYAVE */11 DE 44 and */14 DE 44 d/rings. £95
BELVEDERE CAMP, Southern Rhodesia postal history 1944 stampless "On Active Service" censored cover to Sqdn. Ldr. E. G. Brant, R.A.F. Station, Warboys, Huntingdonshire with BELVEDERE CAMP 9 AUG 44 d/ring, Crowned RHODESIAN/OFFICIAL FREE/AIR TRAINING GROUP cachet. Sender Briant K.A., R.A.T.G. Salisbury. £95
Forged ST. LUCIA postmark dated C/JU 16 93 with lettering further away from the outer rim than the genuine on QV 6d (SG.49). £10
NEVIS stamps: Scarcer type litho forgery of the 1d Medicinal Spring in brownish-red fine used. £15
BAHAMAS stamps: Wrong font forgery with "Four Pence" and wide defacing bar on genuine used copy of QV 6d deep violet CC wmk. £14
NEVIS stamps: Litho forgery of the 4d Medicinal Spring issue in a very fine unused without gum imperforate block of six stamps. £36
A76 used SPANISH TOWN, Jamaica postmark (Type H) on QV 3d Pine wmk (SG.3). £9
A76 used SPANISH TOWN, Jamaica postmark (Type O) on QV 1d OFFICIAL (SG.04). £2
SOUTHERN RHODESIA postal history 1941 "On Active Service " stampless cover to Bulawayo with purple oval KING GEORGE VI BARRACKS HEADQUARTERS OFFICE cachet dated 28 JAN 1941. £48
MALTA postal history 1969 stampless OHMS cover to RAF Hospital Wroughton, Wiltshire pmk'd FIELD POST OFFICE/22 AP 69/158 with red CENTRAL REGISTRY/R.A.F. LUQA cachet. £24