The Chinese minority, Trinidad postal history 1923 use of KGV 2d PSRE with added 3d Seated Britannia from Lum Soy, Tunapuna (reverse) lightly posted some ten miles away at CUNUPIA A/NO 26 23 addressed San Francisco, California. £40
GEORGETOWN, St. Vincent postmark New ERD dated A/JA 3 99 on QV 1d red (SG.48b). The previous gap between code letters was C/DE 23 98 and A/JA 6 99 (both as reported by West Indies Postal History Review by Joe Chin Aleong). The "A" code had a short life on QV 1d red, current last date being A/AP 18 99, and strikes on the QV 1d red are not as plentiful as one might expect. £24
St. Andrew's "D", Grenada postmark in the REVERSED position dated 1 SP 88 on QV 2½d (SG.32). £14
ST. PHILIP'S DEBT REDEMPTION label, British Guiana postal history 1942 cover from Father Welton Ward, St. Philip's Vicarage, Georgetown with their own church label tied by ink marks to reverse of cover to Leap Cross, Hailsham, Sussex with 2 x KG6 2c tied Georgetown 20 MCH 1942 machine cancel. £75
P.O. RECEIVED, British Honduras postmark Black boxed 3-line "P.O./RECEIVED.(date) handstamp in combination with part BELIZE A/JU 7 cds (signifying some sort of post office combination use) on KGV 10c (SG.132). £48
EDINBURGH postmark on St. Vincent stamp Black ink Edinburgh JA 13 77 arrival "killing" lightly pmk'd red horiz. "A10" on QV 6d deep blue-green (SG.19b, Cat.£50). Dated arrivals rarely found for this period (useful for confirming precise date of a Head Office killer). This stamp would have sailed with the DE 28 76 1/- claret cover (Ex Glossop) to London £24
G.R. MATHIATIS, Cyprus postmark (T.26) on KGV 30pa (SG.87). £24
G.R. MAZOTO, Cyprus postmark (T.28) on KGV 3/4pi (SG.119). £24
V.R. MARATHOU VOUNO, Cyprus postmark (T.28) in purple ink on KGV 3/4pi (SG.119). £20
G.R. MANDRAES, Cyprus postmark on KGV 3/4pi (SG.119) piece. £16
GERIHUN skeleton "top line with day", postmarks (045.02) near complete KG6 month group showing days 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 15, 16, 18, 19, 20, 22, 23, 25, 26, 27, 28, 28 (23 stamps). £125
ST. VINCENT stamps: 1891 QV 1/- orange (SG.58) with forged KINGSTOWN C/JY 2 09 cds. £12
ST. VINCENT stamps: 1877 QV 4d deep blue (SG.25, Cat.£550), a beautiful lightly mounted mint copy with fresh colour and being exceptionally well-centred for this issue, sideways small star wmk. £350
MUKHTAR AY. IRINI KANNAVIA, Cyprus postmark in purple on QE2 2mils piece. £20
ST. KITTS-NEVIS stamps: 1902 1d Medicinal Spring (SG.2), fine mounted mint ovp'd "SPECIMEN". £6
A10 used at Kingstown, St. Vincent postmark (PML.1) fine impression on 1861 QV 1d rose-red (SG.1). £6
LONDON postmark on St. Vincent stamp QV 2½d on 1d blue (SG.55a) with arrival sqc dated DE 12 94. £5
MISSENT TO GRENADA, Trinidad to Holland postal history 1903 use of Trinidad KE7 ½d newswrapper, the front portion pmk'd Port of Spain E/MR 28 03 with str. line "MISSENT TO GRENADA" and attractively showing Amsterdam 25 APR 03 arrival. £125