A10 used KINGSTOWN, St. Vincent postmark (PML.2) on 1880 QV 6d bright green (SG.30, Cat.£70). £24
SINGAPORE via CEYLON to INDIA, Malaya postal history 1898 cover marked "via Colombo" to Deva cotta, Madura, (India) with QV 8c x 2 pmk'd Singapore A/JA 25 98 with NEGAPATAM 2 FE 98 and DEVAKOTA FE 5 98 backstamps. £120
DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION, BERMUDA postal history 1966 (JU 9) lengthy typewritten letter from a 19 year old Colonel's daughter to Bury St. Edmunds, Suffolk on an overprinted for Government use Air Letter (overprinting deleted as used personally) mailed with GB QE2 4d pmk'd Post Office Maritime Mail. £65
MARTINIQUE postal history 1824 entire headed "St. Pierre le 13 Juillet 1824" carried by private ship "Papillon" to Havre, France with str. line MARTINIQUE. £140
BARBADOS postal history 1931 U.S. 2c PSE pmk'd West Chester, Pennsylvania (AP 14) to Kingston, Jamaica and returned (AP 30), marked "Try Bridgetown, Barbados" arriving JU 2 31 with eventual "UNCLAIMED" handstamp, marked with "RETURN TO SENDER" (OC 9) arriving back New York (OC 18). £60
V.R. KONTEA, CYPRUS postmark (T.21) on QV ½pi (SG.40), full perfs. £175
PRIVATE SHIP LETTER RATE TO ITALY, MALTA postal history 1874 wrapper by private ship "Picarche" to Marsiglia (Province of Genoa, Italy) with GB QV 4d pmk'd "A25" duplex dated OC 19 74 showing red MARSEILLE 23 OCT 74 transit, no backstamps. £225
Rarely seen 2d RATE TO USA, GIBRALTAR postal history Ex METLISS, OSBORN, STIRRUPS 1874 printed headed entire by private ship
"Pleiades" to New York with GB QV 2d blue pmk'd light "A25" duplex dated A/OC 9 74 landed with NEW YORK SHIP LETTER cds dated OCT 26 showing 4c to be collected. Ex METLISS, OSBORN, STIRRUPS. 'Direct' ship letters to New York were quicker and cheaper than mails via Liverpool. £350
BELGIUM to VIRGINS ISLANDS postal history 1933 cover with "114, Place La Fayette, Paris" printed on flaps diagonal edge stampless to Tortola with partial ROAD-TOWN OC 19 (33) backstamp, manuscript "unknown - return to sender" with matching ink asterisk alongside printed "LIGUE CONTRE LE POURBOIRE" (League Against Tipping), handstruck RETURN/VOIRauDO5, boxed RETOUR/A L'ENVOYEUR", and handstruck "T" with Bruxelles 28 XI 1933 arrival and 1fr Postage Due (closed tear) added and cancelled, partial ROAD-TOWN backstamp. £65
KASSE, Sierra Leone postmark (069.01) */FE 13 08 on KE7 1d (SG.100). £75
DARU, Sierra Leone postmark (030.02) */JU 13 13 on horiz. pair KE7 ½d (SG.99) on fragment. £28
MOPALMA, Sierra Leone postmark (115.01) sideways down C/NO 12 without year on KE7 1d (SG.87). Illustrated Page 72 of "The Postmarks of Sierra Leone 1854-1961 Second Edition" by Walton, Quirk, Hamilton, Horry. £175
HASTINGS, Sierra Leone postmark (051.03) C/31 JY 09 on KE7 1d (SG.100a). £60
JAMAICA postal history 1939 cover with Jamaica Fruit & Shipping Co. Ltd, Kingston senders address marked "via St. Thomas, V.I." to Chicago, Illinois with Jamaica KG6 ½d, pair 1d carried on the first leg by m/s "ERRIA" and red crayon cancelled by the purser with second leg using U.S. Virgin Islands 3c pmk'd Charlotte Amalie "1" duplex dated JAN 14 1939. A rare two countries combination to destination. £65