TURKS and CAICOS ISLANDS stamps: 1919 KGV 3d purple/orange-buff ovp'd "War Tax" with MCA REVERSED wmk (SG.151x, Cat.£40), fine unmounted mint. £16
TURKS and CAICOS ISLANDS stamps: 1919 KGV 3d purple/orange-buff ovp'd "War Tax" with MCA REVERSED wmk (SG.151x, Cat.£40), fine unmounted mint. £15
TURKS and CAICOS ISLANDS stamps: 1919 KGV 3d purple/orange-buff ovp'd "War Tax" with MCA REVERSED wmk (SG.151x, Cat.£40), fine unmounted mint. £16
TURKS and CAICOS ISLANDS stamps: 1919 KGV 3d purple/orange-buff ovp'd "War Tax" with MCA REVERSED wmk (SG.151x, Cat.£40), fine unmounted mint. £16
TURKS and CAICOS ISLANDS stamps: 1919 KGV 3d purple/orange-buff ovp'd "War Tax" with MCA REVERSED wmk (SG.151x, Cat.£40), fine unmounted mint. £16
193 used COLD SPRING, Jamaica postmark/cancel on QV ½d CC wmk (SG.7a), perf. fault, very scarce on this issue. £14
HALFAYAT EL MELUK, Sudan postmark/cancel (D1) purple temporary rubber datestamp for 21 JAN 1857 on 10m (SG.128) piece. £7
ST. JOSEPH, Barbados postal history 1892 use of QV ½d newswrapper (complete) to The Hon. A. Pile, Greens, St. George pmk'd A/MR 9 92 open bootheel duplex re-directed showing ST. JOSEPH 6/MR 9 92 arrival. £30
DEEP CREEK, Bahamas postal history (D1) boxed temporary rubber handstamp dated DEC 21 195(7?) tying QE2 ½d, 1d on local cover to Nassau. £28
REGISTRATION FEE paid by Colonial Postmaster OFFICIAL PAID, St. Vincent postal history 1948 OHMS reg. cover with purple "Colonial Postmaster" handstamp to London, Ontario, Canada with KG6 2½d, 3½d, 6d pmk'd Kingstown */21 MY 48 with red ink endorsement "Official pay 2d shortage in Registration Fee" (with postmaster's initials) and ST. VINCENT/*/OFFICIAL PAID handstamp applied, b/stamped Trinidad, New York, Toronto, London arrival. £80
ST. VINCENT stamps: 1909 6d Arms (SG.94) ovp'd "SPECIMEN" and handstamped "ULTRAMAR in purple ink, thinned and unused no gum. £24
ST. VINCENT stamps: 1909 1/- Arms (SG.101) ovp'd "SPECIMEN" and handstamped "ULTRAMAR in purple ink, unused no gum. £28
ST. VINCENT stamps: 1907 3d Arms (SG.94) ovp'd "SPECIMEN" and handstamped "ULTRAMAR in purple ink, unused no gum. £28
ST. VINCENT stamps: 1907 2½d Arms (SG.97) ovp'd "SPECIMEN" and handstamped "ULTRAMAR in purple ink, unused no gum. £28
ST. VINCENT stamps: 1907 1d Arms (SG.95) ovp'd "SPECIMEN" and handstamped "ULTRAMAR in purple ink, unused no gum, perfs. on right side folded back. £25
ST. VINCENT stamps: 1887 QV 1d red (SG.48b), patchy thin gum unused handstamped "Specimen" (Type II), £120
ST. VINCENT stamps: 1916 KGV 1d red WAR STAMP (SG.122/122a, Cat.£180), a fresh mounted mint pair, right stamp OVERPRINT DOUBLE, hinge remains. £60
A15 used St. GEORGE'S, Grenada postmark/cancel on horiz. pair 1866 QV 6d orange-red small star upright (SG.7). £20