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Southern Cross plate flaw with broken "F" variety, St. Vincent stamps
a fresh mounted mint copy of the 1894 FIVE PENCE on QV 6d lake (SG.60b) showing combination broken "F" in "FIVE" and the three distinctive coloured marks on Queen's neck (aptly named the Southern Cross plate flaw by Peter Jaffe) as always found on Row 5/1 of the complete sheet.

Southern Cross plate flaw WITHOUT short "F", St. Vincent stamp:
a fresh mounted mint copy presumably from the FIRST PRINTING of the 1893 FIVE PENCE on QV 6d carmine-lake (SG.60) showing combination full "F" in "FIVE" and the three distinctive coloured marks on Queen's neck (aptly named the Southern Cross plate flaw by Peter Jaffe) as always found in conjunction with the short "F" overprint variety on Row 5/1 of the complete sheet. Not previously seen by me.

Plymouth, Montserrat QV 6d trisect
1883-84 QV 6d green (SG.2a) trisected copy tied "A08" on piece.

The MALTA "M" obliterators (1857-1860). Price £80
You can now order and pay for your own DIGITAL pdf copy (no refunds). It will arrive in seconds to all corners of the world, no dreaded import duty, can be carried in your tablet or laptop to any philatelic event. 232 covers mainly illustrated in part or full in b/w or colour with text descriptions spanning period 1857 to 1860. As a new collector to this country the file is perfect for planning an exhibit, gives a comprehensive coverage of what to expect, destinations, rates, combinations etc, and often shows the pitfalls (missing stamp, stamp added or not belonging). Provenance given when known. 60 pages (A4 size) Price £80 payable by PayPal or WISE transfer. Order your copy in "MH Publications" (top right of screen)

MALTA QV ½d (DE 13 1860 - MR 14 1885). Price £120
You can now order and pay for your own DIGITAL pdf copy (no refunds), which can be usefully carried to Stamp Fairs or Auctions on your tablet or laptop. 226 covers from this very popular group mainly illustrated in part, or full b/w or colour scans. No attempt has been made to identify by colour, or shades of colour/printings. The emphasis has been to identify the covers by date, and allocate provenance where known 46 pages (A4 size) Price £120 payable by PayPal or WISE transfer.

PRAMPRAM, Gold Coast postmark/cancel
(T.2) A/DE 9 82 on QV ½d olive-yellow CC wmk (SG.4), rare on this issue.

Turks Island "T 1" on BAHAMAS stamp
on 1884 QV 1d pale-rose (SG.47), unusual and probably unique

CYPRUS postal history (1875-1900). Price £100
You can now order and pay for your own DIGITAL copy (no refunds). Suitable for carrying around in your tablet or laptop. 292 covers illustrated in part or full in mainly colour with text descriptions spanning period 1875-1900. This file will be most helpful for planning an exhibit, giving a comprehensive coverage of what to expect, with destinations etc. Provenance given when known. 91 pages (A4 size) Price £100 payable by PayPal or WISE transfer. Knowing what to buy is key to buying .... order your copy today.

BARBADOS ST. PETER Parish "10" arrival
1868 cover with GB QV 1/- green (surface abrasions) pmk'd BATH "53" duplex dated MY 16 68 to W. B. Gibbons, Gibbes, Barbados showing very fine BARBADOS 10/JU 6 68 arrival (M2-original) alongside address panel, red London MY 18 68 b/stamp clear of missing flap.

Complete KGV ½d yellow-green newswrapper with added Badge ½d green marked "Book Post" pmk'd Kingston 3K/SP 20 15 d/ring to Domburg, Holland, mauve 2-line "Censuur/Gepasseerd" handstamp. A very rare example of a censored newswrapper.

GREAT BRITAIN used with "A01" obliterator at Kingston, JAMAICA (1858-1860). Price £60
You can now order and pay for your own DIGITAL copy by pdf (no refunds). 184 covers, a study mostly in b/w, which makes its own statement due the lack of excitement attached to the many 6d packet rate covers to the UK. However, if you think this would be low down on your list for a display, the lack of colour is made up by character, and a fine display can embrace destinations (only one to the USA and the Civil War blockade still far off!), the rare twin "A01", the unique 6d with JAMAICA/SHIP LETTER alongside to Ryde I.O.W., the 1/- green cover, GB added on incoming transit from Santa Marta, Colombia, mail to the Post Towns, and in addition to the very common 6d packet rates of 3d, 4d, 8d, 9d, 1/-, 1/2, 1/4, 1/8, 2/-, 2/8d, 3/-, 9/- will be found. Provenance added when known. 38 pages (A4 size) Price £60 payable by PayPal or WISE transfer. PDFs incur no dreaded import duty, once ordered can be with you in seconds any part of the World.

You can now order and pay for your own DIGITAL copy (no refunds). 111 covers fully illustrated, nearly all in colour. The perfect idea for planning an exhibit. 15 pages (A4 size) Price £36 payable by PayPal or WISE transfer.

CEYLON to INDIA postal history 1857-1871. Price £40
You can now order and pay for your own DIGITAL copy (no refunds), which can be usefully carried to Stamp Fairs or Auctions on your tablet or laptop. 80 covers in b/w or colour, part or full scans, with text descriptions and provenance where known, all to India, with combination covers (including the probably unique combination cover of Ceylon 1d tied Chittipoor "C126"). 23 pages (A4 size) Price £40 payable by PayPal or WISE transfer.

You can now order and pay for your own DIGITAL copy (no refunds), which can be usefully carried to Stamp Fairs or Auctions on your tablet or laptop. 59 covers, commencing with single March 1858 NEW SOUTH WALES cover as Major of Brigade 77th Regiment, then after the 77th (the East Middlesex) Regiment of Foot sailed the following month to help suppress the Indian Rebellion, the correspondence continues from Kingston and Gordon Town, Jamaica to India and Cabul (Afghanistan), and ends addressed to the Clarence Barracks, Portsmouth, England. 15 pages (A4 size) Price £25 payable by PayPal or WISE transfer. Order your copy today.

TORTOLA, the straight line and 2-line handstamps (1787-1848). Price £50
You can now order and pay for your own DIGITAL copy (no refunds). 122 pre-stamp entires, mainly illustrated in b/w or colour, with text descriptions including incoming transit mail from other Caribbean islands struck with the TORTOLA handstamps bound UK. As a new collector to this country the file is perfect for planning an exhibit, gives a comprehensive coverage of what to expect, destinations, rates, combinations etc, and even has a letter written by a Slave to his Master who promises freedom. Provenance given when known. 34 pages (A4 size) Price £50 payable by PayPal or WISE transfer. Knowledge is key to buying .... order your copy today.

"Full extra tree-trunk" variety, BAHAMAS postal history
1919 reg. cover to Port Washington, New York with pair 1918 3d purple/yellow ovp'd "WAR TAX" (SG.94) pmk'd Nassau 7 MAR 19, the left stamp showing the full extra tree-trunk" variety.

GREAT BRITAIN used in BRITISH GUIANA (1858-1860). Price £25
You can now order and pay for your own DIGITAL copy (no refunds). 53 covers (plus some dated pieces) mainly illustrated in b/w or colour with text descriptions spanning period 1858-1860. GB used ABROAD has always been very popular with serious collectors, and this file will be most helpful for planning an exhibit giving a comprehensive coverage of what to expect, destinations, rates, combinations etc, and often shows the pitfalls (missing stamp, part stamp added etc). Provenance given when known. 17 pages (A4 size) Price £25 payable by PayPal or WISE transfer. Knowing what to buy is key to buying .... order your copy today.

ANTIGUA - ADHESIVE COVERS PERIOD 1862 - 1890. Price £120
You can now order and pay for your own DIGITAL copy (no refunds). 309 covers mainly illustrated in b/w or colour with text descriptions spanning period 1862-1890 including 8 bogus ENGLISH HARBOUR "A18" covers. As a new collector to this country the file is perfect for planning an exhibit, gives a comprehensive coverage of what to expect, destinations, rates, combinations etc, and often shows the pitfalls (missing stamp, stamp added or not belonging). Provenance given when known. 88 pages (A4 size) Price £120 payable by PayPal or WISE transfer. Knowledge is key to buying .... order your copy today.

BARBADOS stamps:
1873 (½d) green wmk Large Star (SG.58), used with DOUBLE PERFORATIONS at base, slight toning, unusual.

BARBADOS to NICARAGUA postal history
1890 use of QV 1½d UPU Post Card pmk'd Barbados JY 1 90 open bootheel duplex to Managua, Nicaragua, purple TRANSITO COLON (JY 15), black TRANSITO PANAMA (JY 16), purple CORINTO, NICARAGUA (JY 24) with red MANAGUA duplex (JY 25) on full text reverse. Unusual destination.
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