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SIERRA LEONE stamps: 1873 QV 1d rose-red CC INVERTED wmk (SG.11w), very fine used. £45
TASMANIA - POSTMARKS Range QV imperfs with numeral cancels 6, 20, 52(2), 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 6(8?), 69. No thins, the 11 with inverted 4 wmk. £90
Vertical "A10" (used Georgetown), St. Vincent postmark (PML.5) village use in distinctive mud-brown on 1873 QV 1/- lilac-rose (SG.20) overstruck horiz. "A10" at Kingstown (PML.4). £175
FIJI stamps: 1915 KGV 3d (SG.130b), used block of four stamps pmk'd Suva 15 MAR 1916. £25
FIJI stamps: 1923 KGV £1.00 Die II (SG.137a), part cds and crayon reg. line. Cat.£275.00. £75
FIJI stamps: 1914 KGV 2½d (SG.129), fine used block of four stamps. £15
E.R. PYLA (T.25) on KGV ½ pi (SG.75), perf. fault. £40
POA 45, Natal postmark on block of 6 QV ½d (SG.97), toning on reverse. £24