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the bogus "Revenue" and "HALF PENNY" overprints on diagonally perforated genuine QV 1d carmine (SG.92) tied faked Barbados duplex A/JA 4 87 on cover to St. Christopher showing both red and black faked arrival cancels. Opened-out for display, a little fragile with small faults, only entire seen as such. BPA cert as faked cover.

MAN-OF-WAR CAY, Bahamas postmark
(TRD 3C) NOV 21 1952 on block of 4 KG6 ½d brown purple (SG.149ec), upper right copy showing elongated E (Row 9/6).

BAHAMAS dbl-arc postmark/cancel
CONTRARY TO REGULATIONS dated MR 14 1864/A (instead of killer "A05") on 1863 QV 4d dull rose CC wmk P.12½ (SG.27), a fine and rare horiz. strip of three (used for paying 1/- rate to the UK introduced AP 1 1863).

FOX HILL, Bahamas postmark
(T.5, D2) */DE 30 29 in blue on re-united vertical pairs KGV ½d (upper copy elongated E, Cat.£65.00), 1d (SG.115/115a,116).

NICOLLS TOWN negative brass MAIL BAG seal, Bahamas postmark
showing lettering LLS on 1906-11 KE7 1d (SG.72).
Very rare.

Oval of 6 bars applied ACKLINS ISLAND, Bahamas postmark
(TRC V in violet) on QV 2½d (SG.52).

EXUMA negative brass MAIL BAG seal, Bahamas postmark
showing all five letters of office name on QV 2½d (SG.50).
Extremely rare and thought previously unrecorded on QV issues.

POA 75 used WARTBURG arrival, Natal postal history
on CGH QV ½d green Post Card from Cape Town 27 AP 98.

POA 2 used 1902 (JY --) BOER WAR, Natal postal history
tying GB KE7 1d on cover to Cradock (B/JY 22 02 arrival) with Newcastle A/JY 19 1902 transit. Minor soiling.

P.O.A. 59, NATAL postal history
P.O.A. 59 on much travelled opened-out 1898 Transvaal 1d rate cover pmk'd Johannesburg 3 ME1 98 to Lower Umzimkulu re-addressed Imbezana, Natal with GPO, Natal 4 MY 98, Durban 5 MY 98, Umzinto 5 5 98, Umhlangeni MY 12 98 and MY 13 98, 2 x POA 59, Port Shepstone JY 7 98, Umhlangeni JY 8 98 and purple Returned Letter Office 15 9 98 plus 2 OCT 98 unidentified Z.A.R. return arrival, reverse with blue crayon "Advertised + Unclaimed". Exhibition item.

NATAL postal history
1902 reg. cover to Cradock with 7 x QV 1d (SG.99a) tied P.O.A. 91 numerals, b/stamped Durban MR 6 1902, flap tied by stamp selvedge and marked "Reported" with initials to show registered mail has extra sealing (stamp selvedge), staining on reverse.

POA 94 used 1902 (JA --) BOER WAR, Natal postal history
on QV 1d rate cover to Diyatalawa Camp, Ceylon, b/stamped FE 15 02 arrival.

blue in oval cachet on lower flap of 1861 cover from San Francisco p. Electra to Parametta, N.S.W. The agent affixed the 2d and 2 x 1d adhesives for the onward 4d inland rate between ½oz and 1oz. Cover a little aged etc but believed to be the only example of this rare cachet.

7 used ARIMA (originally), Trinidad postmark on VIRGIN ISLANDS
(Type 0.2) used as sole canceller on 1884 QV 2½d ultramarine (SG.31), smaller faults.
The 1883 QV issues for Arima are normally always cancelled by either the 0.9 duplex numeral datestamp or by the 0.6 numeral in diamond handstamp. This late use of 0.2 7 is also known on Trinidad 1883 QV 1d (SG.107). This extraordinary and unusual use might suggest re-allocation to Dead Letter Office or elsewhere.

SAN FERNANDO (M.O.O.), Trinidad postmark
FE 28 1880 on horiz. strip of three SIDEWAYS Crown CC ½d mauve (SG.99a). Rare multiple.

TRANSVAAL to a gold mining company in London postal history
36 used EUREKA KAAP GOUDV., (T.6a) in blue on pair ½d grey, 2 x 2d olive-bistre cover dated A/27 AP 93 to a Gold Mining Company in London.

1939 cover from Costa Rica to Castries
pmkd San Jose DIC 21 1939 b/stamped */5 FE 40 arrival.

ERIN P O skeleton cds
dated 4 SP 79 on local 10c rate commercial cover.

JAMAICA to GUATEMALA postal history
1896 use of QV 1d blue UPU Post Card to Guatemala pmk'd Kingston JA 31 96, b/stamped MR 14 96 on arrival.

CURACAO postal history:
1917 cover to New York with 5c pmk'd 17 MEI 17 with magenta ink boxed "S.S. MARACAIBO" handstamp.
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