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1922 Abfchnitt/Coupon Parcel Card to British Guiana


1927 Bahamas S.S. MUNARGO cover


1940 S.S. KENT paquebot cover off-loaded Nassau, Bahamas


1964 FFC Miami to Rock Sound, Bahamas

ST. VINCENT stamps:
1916 WAR omitted and inserted by hand on 4th Setting 1916 KGV 1d carmine-red WAR STAMP (SG.124), fine mint showing the STAMP. portion in deep black, and the WAR portion in a distinctly different sheen of colour having been struck at an angle. (Scanned with normal for comparison). BPA committee not prepared to give an opinion. (Red scratch line through E of POSTAGE should identify sheet position).
This stamp illustrated Page 304 in the newly published War Tax Stamps of the British Empire by John G.M. Davis.

36 used SWEET HOME/ALOEPOORT, Orange River Colony postmark on CGH stamp
interprovincial use in purple on CGH KE7 ½d (SG.70), minor faults.

86., Orange River Colony postmark used on CGH stamps interprovincial
in magenta (attributed Rietspruit/Zamenkomst/Kaallaagte) on 2 x CGH KE7 ½d (SG.70) piece.

1887-89 1d rose-red MAJOR DOUBLING of VIRGIN ISLANDS
(SG.33) without gum and some faults but currently the only known example as such on this issue.

SUMBUYAH, Sierra Leone postal history
(147.02) on pair KGV 1d added KGV 3d brown PSRE dated ?/FE 6(?) 35 to England.

718 used EMBEKELWENI, Swaziland postmark
in blue ink on ½d grey (SG.4), perf. fault.

½d V.R.I. and 1d V.R.I. on piece dated 15 AUG 32.

CYPRUS KE7 ½pi CA and MCA wmks
stockcard with 32 used stamps, generally fine.

CYPRUS KE7 ½pi CA and MCA wmks
stockcard with 32 used stamps, generally fine condition.

T.O. KAALLAAGTE, Orange River postmark
purplish d/ring dated 3 NOV 10 tying 2 x KE7 1d (SG.149) to piece.
Extremely rare office (Putzel unable to illustrate any datestamp prior 1957).

1866 QV 1d pale rose INLAND REVENUE on unissued vertical laid paper, a generally fine and fresh IMPERFORATE complete sheet of twelve stamps showing the two units of six stamps laid down but BADLY ALIGNED within the full marginal inscriptions including One Penny Each - One Shilling per Sheet. at base (changed on issued sheets) on gummed paper sheet numbered 256 at top left. Trace of rusty paper clip at top which probably had a note attached re the two corrections required. Some slight creasing. Note: The initial delivery is thought to be Sheets 1 to 250 making a total of 3,000 stamps being issued on horizontal laid paper with base inscription reading One Penny each - One Shilling per Sheet. - the change from Each to each being made at preparation stage due Victorians being fussy about incorrect grammar. Only three imperforate sheets (numbered 256,257,258) are currently known with the original "Each" setting, and each showing differing adjustments to the lining up of the two units. Morley in 1910 reported the existence of these stamps on vertical laid paper but both Britnor (1965) and Robson Lowe (1990) were unable to confirm their existance in their handbooks. Sheets 251 to 260 are therefore printer’s unissued preparation sheets. The "Each" error was not noticed by philatelists until 2001 (135 years later!).


JAMAICA stamps:
1897 QV 5/- lilac Crown CA wmk (SG.26), used block of four pmkd REGISTERED oval d/ring dated DE 11 05. Cat.?340.00.

1901 (AU 10) BOER WAR - UMSINSINI, Natal postal history
(M.4.2) in violet dated A/AU -- 10 (for A/AU 10 01) on QV 1d rate cover to Diyatalawa, reverse E.(crown)R. (KE7) OPENED UNDER MARTIAL LAW label.
A rare office

B64 used SEYCHELLES postmark
on Mauritius QV 10d maroon (SG.Z25).

B65 used RODRIGUES, Mauritius postmark
on QV 4c orange CC wmk (SG.93), creased.

WILLOW GRANGE, Natal postmark
(M.4.2) dated O/SP 13 09 on C.S.A.R. 1d PARCELS STAMP.
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