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BARBADOS postal history:
1908 reg. cover to Mannheim, Germany with Nelson MCA wmk ¼d, 2d, 2½d trio (SG.158,161,162) pmk'd R.L.O. 12 FEB 08 cds. Cat.£100 and rated x 5 on cover.

SOUTH AUSTRALIA postal history:
1855 QV 2d (deep) rose-carmine (SG.2) horiz. strip of three wrapper to Barnet, Herts pmk'd indistinct "28" numerals and showing Kooringa MR 27 1855 despatch.

HONG KONG to EGYPT postal history
1889 cover "via Suez" to Cairo, Egypt with QV 10c bluish-green CA wmk tied "B62" showing Hong Kong A/AP 17 89 despatch, superbly b/stamped at both Suez and Cairo MY 10 89. Cover with slight wear, unusual destination.

GRENADA stamps:
1863 QV 6d rose horiz. pair (SG.6), average used.

GRENADA, Grenada postmark
short-lived cds dated no/code FE 6 86 on QV 1d (SG.31).
Recorded AP 2 85 (with C code until NO 15 85), thereafter no code until MR 1 86.

PIEDMONTAGNES, Grenada postmark
(C12) dated */30 23 23 on 2d Postage Due (SG.D13) piece.
Rare office.

GRENADA stamps:
1875 ONE SHILLNG spelling error Large Star (Morley 1598), m/script date 16/11/77, pulled central perf. at left, 48,000 normal stamps printed.

ST. GEORGE'S, Grenada postmark/cancel
postally used QV 3d REVENUE dated ST. GEORGE'S s/ways down C/OC 31 95 cds.

CGH used at Harrismith, ORC interprovincially
pmkd 23 MAR 11 on ORC KE7 ½d Post Card.

cover, b/stamped Constant Spring OC 31 37, minor soiling.

ST. VINCENT stamps:
1973 30c on 50c Bird definitive SURCHARGED FIVE TIMES (SG.380var) from trials done by Government printer, block of four u/m, minor toning.

ZULULAND stamps:
forged INVERTED OVERPRINT on GB QV 2d (SG.3), good used with FB (Foreign Branch) cancel.

ZULULAND stamps:
forged "ZULULAND" overprint on GB QV ½d (SG.1), fine used.

ZULULAND stamps:
forgery of the Natal QV £20 REVENUE CA wmk with ZULULAND reading up, fine used.

NONDWENI and NQUTU combination, Zululand postmarks
purple NONDWENI (Z.4) - JAN 93, fair large part upr. showing DWE lettering with fine fullish NQUTU (Z.9) 15 JA 93 on QV 1d (SG.F1).

1886 "4d" (no stop) on QV 6d (SG.25a), fine used, Cat.£300.00.

1912-25 Ceylon KGV 10r
(SG.318) fine used.

GOVERNOR'S HARBOUR, Bahamas postmark
(T.5) in blue ink dated */10 AP 31 on 3d Staircase (SG.77).

LEEWARD ISLANDS postal history:
1915 Sun Printery, Antigua advertising cover to New Jersey with KGV 1d (SG.48) tied St. John's C/AP 15 15 cds.

1907 2c with unrecorded PLATE SCRATCH to Canada
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