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BARBADOS postal history: 1908 reg. cover to Mannheim, Germany with Nelson MCA wmk ¼d, 2d, 2½d trio (SG.158,161,162) pmk'd R.L.O. 12 FEB 08 cds. Cat.£100 and rated x 5 on cover. £90
SOUTH AUSTRALIA postal history: 1855 QV 2d (deep) rose-carmine (SG.2) horiz. strip of three wrapper to Barnet, Herts pmk'd indistinct "28" numerals and showing Kooringa MR 27 1855 despatch. £350
HONG KONG to EGYPT postal history 1889 cover "via Suez" to Cairo, Egypt with QV 10c bluish-green CA wmk tied "B62" showing Hong Kong A/AP 17 89 despatch, superbly b/stamped at both Suez and Cairo MY 10 89. Cover with slight wear, unusual destination. £325
GRENADA stamps: 1863 QV 6d rose horiz. pair (SG.6), average used. £28
GRENADA, Grenada postmark short-lived cds dated no/code FE 6 86 on QV 1d (SG.31). Recorded AP 2 85 (with C code until NO 15 85), thereafter no code until MR 1 86. £20
PIEDMONTAGNES, Grenada postmark (C12) dated */30 23 23 on 2d Postage Due (SG.D13) piece. Rare office. £40
GRENADA stamps: 1875 ONE SHILLNG spelling error Large Star (Morley 1598), m/script date 16/11/77, pulled central perf. at left, 48,000 normal stamps printed. £120
ST. GEORGE'S, Grenada postmark/cancel postally used QV 3d REVENUE dated ST. GEORGE'S s/ways down C/OC 31 95 cds. £30
CGH used at Harrismith, ORC interprovincially pmkd 23 MAR 11 on ORC KE7 ½d Post Card. £15
1937 ITALY to JAMAICA cover, b/stamped Constant Spring OC 31 37, minor soiling. £10
ST. VINCENT stamps: 1973 30c on 50c Bird definitive SURCHARGED FIVE TIMES (SG.380var) from trials done by Government printer, block of four u/m, minor toning. £200
ZULULAND stamps: forged INVERTED OVERPRINT on GB QV 2d (SG.3), good used with FB (Foreign Branch) cancel. £10
ZULULAND stamps: forged "ZULULAND" overprint on GB QV ½d (SG.1), fine used. £5
ZULULAND stamps: forgery of the Natal QV £20 REVENUE CA wmk with ZULULAND reading up, fine used. £40
NONDWENI and NQUTU combination, Zululand postmarks purple NONDWENI (Z.4) - JAN 93, fair large part upr. showing DWE lettering with fine fullish NQUTU (Z.9) 15 JA 93 on QV 1d (SG.F1). £95
ST. CHRISTOPHER stamps: 1886 "4d" (no stop) on QV 6d (SG.25a), fine used, Cat.£300.00. £120
1912-25 Ceylon KGV 10r (SG.318) fine used. £45
GOVERNOR'S HARBOUR, Bahamas postmark (T.5) in blue ink dated */10 AP 31 on 3d Staircase (SG.77). £30
LEEWARD ISLANDS postal history: 1915 Sun Printery, Antigua advertising cover to New Jersey with KGV 1d (SG.48) tied St. John's C/AP 15 15 cds. £80
1907 2c with unrecorded PLATE SCRATCH to Canada cover £65