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1907 use of North Borneo 1c red REPLY POST CARD portion uprated with 3c tied SANDAKAN 22 FEB 1907 cds to Dr. Robert Fisch, Basel Mission, Aburi, Gold Coast showing Singapore MR 4 1907, Accra 14 APR 1907, and Aburi APR 15 1907 arrival, full commercial text.
Samuel Rudolf Fisch (1856-1946) was a Swiss-born physician, preacher, and medical missionary to the Gold Coast. Fisch built the Basel Mission Hospital in Aburi in 1885. Whilst there Fisch pioneered the application of prophylaxis for Malaria and founded the Blue Cross (originally named “Anidaho Fekuw” translated as “The Temperance Movement”) with a core mission of fighting against alcoholism and other substances.

CANCELLED air mail sticker to Karachi, Great Britain postal history
three reign cover to Karachi pmk'd Hastings 17 May 1937 with air mail sticker tied boxed "CANCELLED".

PALMETTO POINT, Bahamas postal history
(T.7 1) on KE7 2½d cover to Washington DC pmk'd 16 NOV 07, a very rare office on cover KE7 period.

RUSSIA to CURACAO postal history
1912 use of uprated 3k Post Card headed "Alexandropol 29 Marz 1912" to Willemstad with CURACAO 11 MEI 12 arrival.

BRITISH HONDURAS postal history
1904 reg. cover with QV 5c (postage) and QV 6c (registration) on "On His Majesty's Service" cover (Queen Victoria died JA 22 1901 but KE7 adhesives not available until OC 10 1902 per SG. Catalogue) with Coat-of-Arms flap pmk'd Belize A/FE 26 02 to Newark, New Jersey.

LONG CAY, Bahamas postal history
(T.3b, D3) full reg. cover to Tacoma, USA pmk'd 16 FEB 3, opened three sides.

BAVARIA to NATAL postal history
1909 use of 10pf Post Card pmk'd WURZBURG 16 FEB 09 to the Trappists Mission, St. Faith's, Natal showing IXOPO MR 13 09, HIGH-FLATS MR 15 09, and ST. FAITHS MR 19 09 transits, reverse full text.

1906 cover endorsed "Per Private Ship "Ayr" from DARTMOUTH" to Highgate House, St. Michael's, Barbados with GB KE7 1d pmk'd WALWORTH G.O. dated NO 15 06, partial arrival b/stamp.
Use of 1d by longer journey time private ship most unusual at this time as mail carried by contract vessels at the 1d Empire Rate.

ORANGE WALK N.R., British Honduras
1912 full cover to London pmk'd E/AP 17 12.

ARTHURS TOWN, Bahamas postal history
1911 cover with s/ways up C/ARTHURS TOWN DE 8 11 (LRD) to Miami, Florida with KE7 1d pmk;d Nassau 15 DEC 11, handstruck ADVERTISED and UNCLAIMED handstamps with light purple RETURN TO SENDER, b/stamped Nassau 12 JAN 12.

MONTSERRAT postal history
1911 "used elsewhere" Frederiksted, St. Croix printed "JESUS IS COMING, GET READY" cover with unsealed rate ½d Badge pmk'd Montserrat A/AP 2 1911 to Apthorp, New Hampshire.

THABA 'NCHU, Orange River Colony
full KE7 1d PSE pmk'd 11 DEC 1906 in purple to Bloemfontein.

full cover dated 20 JUN 11, b/stamped 7 JUL 1911 in black and blue ink

AFTERMATH OF BELIZE G.P.O. FIRE (MY 30 1909), British Honduras postal history
1909 printed advertising cover to St. Louis, Missouri with KE7 5c x 2 pmk'd emergency supplied BELIZE NEW RIVER SERVICE E/JU 18 09, alongside newly supplied registration etiquette No.217 (current ERD of use reg. etiquette being JU 14 09). Ex Joan and Gordon HARPER (2009).

AFTERMATH OF BELIZE G.P.O. FIRE, British Honduras postal history
The Post Office was without handstamps and registration labels after the fire of 30 May 1909. This “used elsewhere” cover with printed United Fruit Company, Puerto Barrios, Guatemala is addressed Las Cascades, Canal Zone, Republic Panama and has temporary supplied use of the BELIZE NEW RIVER SERVICE cds dated E/JU 11 09 tying KE7 1c x 6, 2c x 2 (10c rate) with manuscript “R 143” (a new boxed registration etiquette known 3 days later (JU 14 09, Dr. Matheson ERD).

tying KE7 1d on b/w ppc pmk'd GOVERNORS HARBOUR 2 DEC 05. Indistinct strike but find another on entire!

PUNTA GORDA, British Honduras
full cover pmk'd 7 OC 03, b/stamped Belize reversed C/OC 9 03 and Huddersfield OC 24 03.

full OHMS foolscap with POST OFFICE Royal Coat-of-Arms pmk'd Belize B/DE 19 12 to France, b/stamped Marolles Les Braults Sarthe.

USA/BAHAMAS mixed currency franking
full cover pmk'd Miami MAR 18 1908, purple AUDIT OFFICE, BAHAMAS 16 APR 1908 cachet.

d/ring oval TRD dated 17 AUG 1903 on reverse full QV 4d PSRE with added KE7 stamps to London, soiled.
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