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"Full extra tree-trunk" variety, BAHAMAS postal history
1919 reg. cover to Port Washington, New York with pair 1918 3d purple/yellow ovp'd "WAR TAX" (SG.94) pmk'd Nassau 7 MAR 19, the left stamp showing the full extra tree-trunk" variety.

CANCELLED air mail sticker to Karachi, Great Britain postal history
three reign cover to Karachi pmk'd Hastings 17 May 1937 with air mail sticker tied boxed "CANCELLED".

BARBADOS postal history
1923 cover to Syracuse, New York with 8 x Farthing Seal issue pmk'd GPO 8 NOV 23.

CLARENCE TOWN, LONG ISLAND Bahamas postal history
(T.7a) full reg. cover pmk'd 16 FEB 30 to Tacoma, USA, backstamps.

WEST BAY, Cayman Islands postal history
1913 part cover front with KGV 4d tied purple ink WEST BAY d/ring JY 2 1913 with same date Georgetown d/ring alongside.

handstruck in purple in on KGV 3c Silver Jubilee to Liguanea, Jamaica pmk'd Belize 17 JY 35.

Illegal use of KGV 4c REVENUE issue, Trinidad postal history
1938 cover to Chicago with unaccepted KGV 4c REVENUE alongside faulty KGV 2c pmk'd San Fernando 12 APR 38, circled "T" tax handstamp and New York Due 8 cents.

full cover with San Pedro sender address to Fort Worth, Texas with KGV 5c pmk'd Belize 4 AU 32.

P.A.A. OFFICE, British Honduras
full cover to France with late use black ink TRD dated only "JUL 1933", reverse gum seems heavily toned.

1928 cover with vertical pair KGV 2c pmk'd Belize 2 MR 28 with weak purple BUY BRITISH GOODS/AND GET THE BEST advertising handstamp, some edge wrinkles.

VREED-EN-HOOP, British Guiana
1927 use of KGV 2c PSRE with added 2 x KGV 2c pmk'd */15 OC 27 to The Hague, Holland, and ppc of the village with 2c pmk'd Georgetown 25 APR 01 to Nimes, France.

A R (Avis De Reception), Bahamas postal history
1923 commercial use (opened only along top) of KGV 2d PSRE with added 1/2d, 3d to Huddersfield pm'd Nassau 13 AP 23, appended in pencil "AR" with blue crayon "23", some lighter toning.

STANN CREEK, British Honduras
Full cover to Chicago with KGV 5c pmk'd STANN CREEK E/OC 8 14, b/stamped Belize OC 9 and New Orleans OC 12.

c1921 commercial cover front from "Gov. Harbour, Eleuthera" to Huddersfield with KGV 1d tied rare blue boxed "Regain Health and Vigour. Take/Cruise in Your Motor Yacht to/ELEUTHERA, BAHAMAS./THE TOMATO GROWING ISLAND."
Proud handbook records as HS7 with single date of use for 15 May 1921.

PUNTA GORDA, stated to be from Mitchell Hedges (regarded by many as the real "Indiana Jones")
1926 cover to Sydenham, England with KGV 2c pair tied PUNTA GORDA AP 24 26, marked at base in ink "From Mitchell Hedges, the explorer", opening fault top right corner.
Michael Hedges (1882-1959) is best noted for having discovered what is termed "The Crystal Skull of Doom" at the Maya ruins of Lubaantun in 1927. In 2008 Paramount Pictures released the film "Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull".

ORANGE WALK N.R., British Honduras
1921 full cover to Army Contractors, London pmk'd E/20 JY 21.

GUINEA GRASS, British Honduras
Large part cover (sender address excised) to Chicago with mauve ink GUINEA GRASS (TRD) dated JUL 15 1919.

RIVERSDALE, British Honduras
Large part cover (sender address excised) to Chicago with purple RIVERSDALE (TRD) dated DEC 31 1919.

1923 reg. cover with 2 x 3d Staircase pmk'd Nassau 17 MAY 23 to Paris, France.

1917 J.S. Johnson, New York illustrated cover with a Pineapple "Canned on the Plantation" and "Factory in Nassau, Bahamas" marked pr S.S. "Monterrey" to the Florida Granite and Marble Co., in Miami with 1d Staircase tied boxed tourism hanstamp and Nassau 12 MAY 17 cds.
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