SINGAPORE "balsa wood cover", Malaya postal history 1959 hand-illustrated "balsa wood" cover to Liverpool with QE2 2c, 10c pmk'd Singapore 27 NOV 1959, some opening tears top left. £80
SAN PEDRO AMBERGRIS CAYE, Belize abbreviated d/ring dated 8 NO 00 from Gold Mine Jewelry, Barrier Reef Drive, San Pedro on foolscap cover to the USA. Will be posted along fold line. £10
AIR MAIL, NASSAU, BAHAMAS in purple on full cover with six QE2 1d (two on reverse) pmk'd MAR 19 1959 to Texas, USA. £18
BRITISH HONDURAS 1978 M/T "WINGULL" cover with Norway adhesives tied PAQUEBOT to Germany off-loaded at BELIZE CITY 17 AU 78. £8
DANGRIGA, Belize Full reg. locally addressed commercial cover pmk'd Dangriga 28 SE 81. £7
COMMISSIONER'S OFFICE FRESH CREEK, ANDROS, Bahamas full local cover with red ink TRD dated AUG 20 1959. £30
BARBADOS postal history Cable and Wireless TELEGRAM locally to Chancery Lane with QE2 8c tied GPO 17 MR 75 d/ring, backstamped Christchurch same day arrival. £40
GOVERNMENT printed Formula Air Letter, British Honduras 1964 use of internally printed GOVERNMENT INFORMATION SERVICES Air Letter to New York with 15c postage re request for booklet describing the birds of British Honduras. £24
BISCAYNE, Belize full cover pmk'd JA 14 1983. £8
MIDDLESEX, Belize full cover pmk'd 17 MY 89. £8
HIGH ROCK (to Santa Claus), Bahamas full cover pmk'd 22 NOV 66. £14
PT. PLACENCIA, British Honduras full cover pmk'd MR 14 with indistinct year, overall crumpled appearance. £14
MAYA BEACH, British Honduras full cover pmk'd -Y 12 71. £16
STEADFAST S/C, Belize postal history full cover pmk'd DANGRIGA 8 DE 69 with STEADFAST S/C undated d/ring Steadfast Village is in the Stann Creek district at mile 17 on the Hummingbird Highway £75
BAHAMAS postal history 1968 cover to Mr. Santa Claus c/o Maura's Toy Land, Nassau pmk'd Freeport 3 DEC 66. Flight time Freeport to Nassau 37 minutes, distance 207km so airmail envelope appropriate. £16
STANN CREEK TOWN, British Honduras 1968 local stampless OHMS with DISTRICT OFFICE, STANN CREEK departmental cachet cover pmk'd 8 JU 68. £15
MONTSERRAT to ST. VINCENT (but did not reach St. Vincent) 1974 tatty commercial cover from Radio Antilles with 3 x 5c UPU (one tied on reverse) pmk'd */6 AU 74 addressed Questelles Village, handstruck "INSUFFICIENT ADDRESS" as St. Vincent not included in address line. £15
Manuscript "Guinea Grass", British Honduras 1960 cover with QE2 1c, 4c each tied manuscript "Guinea Grass 8 a.m. June 29, 60 British Honduras" with GUINEA GRASS JU 29 60 d/ring cds alongside to Downingtown, Pennsylvania. £60
Manuscript "Guinea Grass", British Honduras 1960 full cover with 2 x QE2 2c each with manuscript "Guinea Grass Sept 28 1960" with ORANGE WALK 29 SP 60 cds alongside to Houston, Texas. £75
BAHAMAS 1975 Red Cross cover free of charge to Nassau with blue ink GOVERNMENT HOUSE, BAHAMAS oval dated JUL 2 1975. £14