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CHAGUANAS, Trinidad postmark
C/SP 25 19 on 1d War Tax (SG.188).

NICOLLS TOWN, Bahamas postmark
(T.7 I, D3) 22 DEC 18 on KGV 1d WAR TAX (SG.97).

SAVANNAH-LA-MAR, Jamaica postmark
dated JA 3 16 tying pair ½d Arms (SG.38) and Red Cross label (slight abrasion) to piece.

DOMINICA stamps:
1919 1½d on 2½d WAR TAX with SHORT FRACTION BAR (SG.59/59a), used horiz. pair, right stamp with variety and some stain.

ST. VINCENT stamps:
1916 WAR omitted and inserted by hand on 4th Setting 1916 KGV 1d carmine-red WAR STAMP (SG.124), fine mint showing the STAMP. portion in deep black, and the WAR portion in a distinctly different sheen of colour having been struck at an angle. (Scanned with normal for comparison). BPA committee not prepared to give an opinion. (Red scratch line through E of POSTAGE should identify sheet position).
This stamp illustrated Page 304 in the newly published War Tax Stamps of the British Empire by John G.M. Davis.

1916 heavily underlined GI with partial stop between N and I of VIRGIN ISLANDS
on 1d carmine WAR STAMP (SG.78), fresh u/m, only three examples recorded to date.
War Tax specialist John Cranmer has a positional multiple from top left pane (without Plate number) showing the variety Row 3/5. This prominent variety NOT listed in the newly published War Tax Stamps of the British Empire by John G.M. Davis.

TRINIDAD stamps:
COMPLETE OFFSET OF WAR TAX overprint on reverse 1917 ½d green WAR TAX (SG.177), u/m both sides.

RETURNED FOR WAR TAX, Canada postal hisory
on KGV 2c cover pmkd SP 13 1919 with added KGV 1c pmkd SP 15 1919 to San Francisco, California.
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