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Subject: Forgeries & Fakes Clear

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ST. LUCIA stamps
Litho forgery of the 1863 QV (1d) lake in brown-lake in a fine unused without gum unwatermarked sheet of 20 stamps, position 13 with constant diagonal line plate flaw at right.

ST. VINCENT stamps
1883 QV 1/- vermilion ovp'd "Revenue" P.12 Crown CA REVERSED wmk (PML.13), fine used with forged "A10" postmark.
1,800 issued (60 sheets, PML Page 147), "R" with "dancing shoes" as opposed to "feet firmly on floor".

Bogus mourning cover to London with genuine Leewards 1949 KG6 ½d slate-grey tied forged 26mm ANTIGUA with fleuron at base cds dated OC 17 94 for 49 purporting to prepay the registered rate with blue "R" in oval appended "2895", reverse forged WEST EALING 11.45 PM 11 NOV 1938 arrival cds.
The genuine ANTIGUA fleuron at base measures 23½mm and was used period 1890 to 1901.

BERMUDA postal history
1908 1d red Dock design with simulated perforations printed on paper to resemble a newswrapper with purposeful indecipherable cancellation addressed St. Etienne, French postage dues from another cover added pmk’d St. Etienne 6-3 07.

DICKOYA, Ceylon postmark on forged ST. VINCENT stamp
1899 QV 5/- green & blue (SG.75, Cat.£170 used), a forgery believed to have been cleverly executed by the Belgian forger Dr Julian Smeets by bleaching out the design of used copies of the 1886 Ceylon QV 5c dull purple (SG.195) to a give a "blank" CA wmk P.14 stamp; only immediately given away by the indelible ink portion of a DICKOYA (Ceylon) cds which could not be removed.

BARBADOS postal history
Fabricated 1865 entire to John Jeffrey & Co, Edinburgh with cleverly added (1d) blue tying in with original portion bootheel cancel with BARBADOS I/FE 9 65 cds alongside. The entire only given away by addition of wrongly rated red crayon "6".

ST. VINCENT stamps:
1891 QV 1/- orange (SG.58) with forged KINGSTOWN C/JY 2 09 cds.

Forgery of the 1945-52 KG6 $3.00 water-lilies, fine unused without gum, handstamped "FORGERY" in green ink on reverse.

LAGOS stamps:
Panelli type forgery of the 1876-79 QV 1d in lilac-mauve with impressed Crown CC wmk, usual brownish gum.

Panelli forgery of the QV 1d rose with impressed Crown CC wmk superb used.

BAHAMAS stamps:
Forgery of the 1907 KE7 £1.00 green & black (SG.70, Cat.£350 normal used) on Crown CA wmk'd paper, lightly used.

BARBADOS stamps:
1882-86 QV 1d carmine vertically bisected and tied to piece by forged bootheel duplex dated A/AUG 9 92.

TRINIDAD stamps:
Litho forgery of the undenominated (1d) Britannia design in deep blue/white reverse in an imperforate used block of four stamps, rare in multiple.

TRINIDAD stamps:
Litho forgery of the undenominated (1d) Britannia design in pale mauve in an imperforate used block of four stamps, rare in multiple.

TRINIDAD stamps:
Litho forgery of the undenominated (1d) Britannia design in black in an imperforate used block of four stamps, rare in multiple.

TRINIDAD stamps:
Litho forgery of the 4d Britannia design in purple in an imperforate used block of four stamps, rare in multiple.

TRINIDAD stamps:
Litho forgery of the 6d Britannia design in green in an imperforate used block of four stamps, rare in multiple.

TRINIDAD stamps:
Litho forgery of the 1/- Britannia design in purple in an imperforate used block of four stamps, rare in multiple.

Forged ST. LUCIA postmark
dated C/JU 16 93 with lettering further away from the outer rim than the genuine on QV 6d (SG.49).

NEVIS stamps:
Scarcer type litho forgery of the 1d Medicinal Spring in brownish-red fine used.
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