K used KINGSTOWN, St. Vincent postmark/cancel AP 15 85 (early use) on QV 1d red Crown CA REVERSED wmk (SG.48x). The DRL QV 1d red placed on sale April 2 1885. £10
MAJOR ERROR "Revenue" OVERPRINT OMITTED with Crown CA REVERSED watermark, St. Vincent stamps: 1883 THREE PENCE on QV 1d lilac Crown CA REVERSED wmk with "Revenue" OVERPRINT OMITTED (PML.10), superb unused without gum. PML records this error on Page 147 of the handbook. The later 1897 issues of THREE PENCE on QV 1d mauve and red-mauve (SG.63, 63a) have never been recorded with Crown CA REVERSED wmk. £425
KINGSTOWN postmark with combination damaged "T" and Crown CA INVERTED wmk, St. Vincent stamp dated A/OC 4 01 on 1899 QV 1d Keyplate Crown CA INVERTED wmk (SG.68w) in combination with damaged 'T' in 'VINCENT', probably impossible to find another as such. £140
TURKS and CAICOS ISLANDS stamps: 1919 KGV 3d purple/orange-buff ovp'd "War Tax" with MCA REVERSED wmk (SG.151x, Cat.£40), fine unmounted mint. £16
TURKS and CAICOS ISLANDS stamps: 1919 KGV 3d purple/orange-buff ovp'd "War Tax" with MCA REVERSED wmk (SG.151x, Cat.£40), fine unmounted mint. £15
TURKS and CAICOS ISLANDS stamps: 1919 KGV 3d purple/orange-buff ovp'd "War Tax" with MCA REVERSED wmk (SG.151x, Cat.£40), fine unmounted mint. £16
TURKS and CAICOS ISLANDS stamps: 1919 KGV 3d purple/orange-buff ovp'd "War Tax" with MCA REVERSED wmk (SG.151x, Cat.£40), fine unmounted mint. £16
TURKS and CAICOS ISLANDS stamps: 1919 KGV 3d purple/orange-buff ovp'd "War Tax" with MCA REVERSED wmk (SG.151x, Cat.£40), fine unmounted mint. £16
ST. VINCENT stamps: 1883 QV 6d bright green Crown CA REVERSED wmk (SG.44a), mint handstamped "Specimen" (Type II), gum just a little off colour. £125
CH used CHATEAUBELAIR, St. Vincent postmark/cancel in red ink dated JU 14 83 on REVERSED Crown CA wmk QV 1d drab (SG.39x). £90
ST. VINCENT stamps: 1885 1st printing QV 1d rose-red as with REVERSED Crown CA wmk ovp'd "Revenue" (PML.14), unused without gum, some clipped perfs. £12
MAJOR ERROR "Revenue" OVERPRINT OMITTED with Crown CA REVERSED watermark, St. Vincent stamps: 1883 THREE PENCE on QV 1d lilac Crown CA REVERSED wmk with "Revenue" OVERPRINT OMITTED (PML.10), fresh very lightly mounted mint. PML records this error on Page 147 of the handbook. The later 1897 issues of THREE PENCE on QV 1d mauve and red-mauve (SG.63, 63a) have never been recorded with Crown CA REVERSED wmk. £1200
K used KINGSTOWN, St. Vincent postmark/cancel dated MY 23 85 on QV 1d rose-red REVERSED CA wmk (SG.48x). £5
BIABOU, St. Vincent postmark/cancel C/JY 18 85 on QV 1d red REVERSED CA wmk (SG.48x). £12
K used KINGSTOWN, St. Vincent postmark/cancel dated JU 30 85 on QV 1d rose-red REVERSED CA wmk (SG.48x). £6
CA used CALLIAQUA, St. Vincent postmark/cancel dated MR 27 84 on QV 1d drab REVERSED CA wmk (SG.39x). £24
BAR used BARROUALLIE, St. Vincent postmark/cancel dated MR 12 84 on QV 1d drab REVERSED CA wmk (SG.39x). £36
A18 used ENGLISH HARBOUR, Antigua postmark/cancel on 1872 QV 1d lake P.12½ Crown CC INVERTED wmk (SG.13w, Cat.£80). £48
5 used ST. JOHN, Barbados postmark/cancel (C2) bootheel on 1876 ½d bright green REVERSED CC wmk (SG.72x). £18
DOMINICA stamps: 1879 QV 6d green REVENUE Crown CC INVERTED wmk (SG.R2w), fine used with manuscript date. £75