A09 (used Charlestown), NEVIS postmark superb on 1884 QV 1d carmine (SG.27a, Cat.£25). £16
K3a "15", Bermuda postmark on 1866 QV 2d dull blue CC wmk (SG.3), shortish perf. at top. £32
14 used Mooi River, Natal postmark (Type G) on 1861-62 QV 3d blue No wmk (SG.12, Cat.£40). £24
K3a "7", Bermuda postmark on 1880 QV ½d stone (SG.19). £40
K3 "4", Bermuda postmark on 1866 QV 2d dull blue CC wmk (SG.3), str. edge at right. £9
K1 "13", Bermuda postmark on 1865 QV 1d pale rose CC wmk (SG.2). £48
34 used Riviere Des Anguilles, Mauritius postmark on QV 17c on 4d (SG.87), some lighter tone blemishes. £25
K3 "3" used INLAND-ISLAND, Bermuda postmark dated B/SP 18 1880 on QV 6d dull mauve, QV 4d orange (SG.7,20) piece, unusual combination and unusual rate. £24
BRIDGETOWN bootheel (issued 1863), Barbados postmark on 1861 (½d) blue-green, possibly from an imperforate used pair (SG.21b). £48
4 code used ST. GEORGE, Barbados postmark (M2-R) dated 4/JA 8 84 on QV 1d (SG.92). £5
K1 "9", Bermuda postmark (6mm) on 1866 QV 2d dull blue CC wmk (SG.3). £8
K1 "2", Bermuda postmark on 1865 QV 1d rose-red CC wmk (SG.1), some wrinkling. £7
K1 "1", Bermuda postmark on 1865 QV 1/- green (SG.8), short-lived as replaced by B/1 handstamp. £24
K1 "15" used Crawl, Bermuda postmark part strike showing only the "5" portion on 1865 QV 1d pale rose CC wmk (SG.2). £48
K1 "9", Bermuda postmark (6mm high) on 1873 QV 3d yellow-buff (SG.5). £120
K1 "13", Bermuda postmark on 1865 QV QV 1d pale rose CC wmk (SG.2). £48
K1 "11", Bermuda postmark/cancel on 1866 QV 2d dull blue CC wmk (SG.3), trimmed perfs both top and left sides but one of the most difficult numbers in the K1 series. £125
A07 used Roseau, Dominica postmark superb strike tying 1879 bisected QV 4d blue (SG.7) to piece. £180
K3a "8", Bermuda numeral postmark on 1877 QV 2d bright blue CC wmk (SG.4). £65
K1 "5" used Somerset Bridge, Bermuda fair clear strike on 1865 QV 1d pale rose CC wmk (SG.2), perf. fault at top. Extremely rare as lost in the 1869 fire at Somerset Bridge Receiving Office. £140