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A03 used GEORGETOWN, British Guiana postmark/cancel
on 1863 12c dull purple P.12 (SG.47).

MALTA postal history
1874 entire with printed G. SEGOND E FRATELLO letterhead to New York with GB QV 4d Plate 13, 6d Plate 13 (10d rate via Italy) pmk'd A/MALTA DE 23 74 showing London 29 DE 74 transit and red crayon "2", reverse New York JAN 12 arrival.

A25 used Valetta, Malta postmark/cancel
on GB QV 1d Venetian red (SG.Z291).

193 used COLD SPRING, Jamaica postmark/cancel
on QV ½d CC wmk (SG.7a), perf. fault, very scarce on this issue.

C38 used CALLAO, PERU to JAMAICA postal history:
A UNIQUE FRANKING TO JAMAICA combination cover with Peru 1868-72 1d green, GB QV 6d pale buff (assumed Plate 11), GB QV 1/- green Plate 6 (SG.Z43, Z53) tied Callao "C38" cancels addressed John Small, Port Maria, Jamaica with 3-line PANAMA/3 AP 1873/TRANSIT plus pencilled "2" on face, b/stamped A/CALLAO/MR 26 73, Kingston IIIA/AP 8 73 and Port Maria C/AP 9 73 cds. Cover soiled with peripheral base tear and GB QV 6d with pale colour.
This Peru 1 dinero was cancelled "C38" from stocks held at the British Packet Agencies to comply with the tax on all outgoing mail.

A57, Jamaica postmark/cancel
on QV 2d Keyplate (SG.28).

18 used CATHKIN, Natal postmark/cancel
(Type G) on 1873 QV 1/- purple-brown ovp'd "POSTAGE" (SG.63), thinned top left corner.

A71, Jamaica postmark/cancel
on QV 1d CA wmk (SG.18a).

25 used ROSE HILL, Mauritius postmark/cancel
on QV 4c orange CC wmk (SG.93).

26 used MOKA, Mauritius postmark/cancel
on 1883 QV 16c on 17c (SG.115).

A63 used PEAR TREE GROVE, Jamaica postmark/cancel
on QV 4d Pine wmk (SG.4), very rare on this issue.

730, Cape of Good Hope postmark/cancel
on QV 1d (SG.59a).

1169, Cape of Good Hope postmark/cancel
on KE7 ½d (SG.70), perf. defect.

A66 used PORT MARIA, Jamaica postmark/cancel
on QV 1d Keyplate (SG.27).

19 used SOUILLAC, Mauritius postmark/cancel
on QV 4c carmine CA wmk (SG.105).

A10 used KINGSTOWN, St. Vincent postmark on TRINIDAD stamp
(PML.4), struck firmly on arrival as a "killer" due the indistinct TRINIDAD dbl-arc blending into the background of the Trinidad 1872 4d grey P.12½ (SG.71), tiny pin-hole.
Exceedingly rare as this combination would not normally happen, let alone survive, almost certainly unique.

A62 used PLANTAIN GARDEN RIVER, Jamaica postmark/cancel
on QV 1d Keyplate (SG.27).

B53 used PORT LOUIS, Mauritius postmark/cancel
on horiz, strip of four QV 16c chestnut CA wmk (SG.109).

A02 (vertical) used ANTIGUA postmark/cancel
on 1882 QV 2½d red-brown CA wmk (SG.22, Cat.£55).

A67 used PORT ROYAL, Jamaica postmark/cancel
on QV 1d CA wmk (SG.18a).
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