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B27 used QUITTAH, Gold Coast postmark/cancel
on 1879 QV ½d olive-yellow CC wmk (SG.4, Cat.£40).

49, Cape of Good Hope postmark/cancel
on 1d (SG.59a).

A01 used KINGSTON, Jamaica postmark/cancel
on vertical pair 1860 QV 1d blue (SG.1a) with DOUBLE PERFORATIONS, small imperfections but extremely rare as such.

A65 used PORT MORANT, Jamaica postmark/cancel
on QV ½d CA wmk (SG.16), scarce on this issue.

A74, Jamaica postmark/cancel
on QV 1½d on 3d Post Card cut-out piece.

5 code used ST. JOHN, Barbados postmark/cancel
(M2-R) normal shaped 5/OC 20 66 on guide-lines positional 1861 (½d) blue-green (SG.21a, Cat.£75) in combination with Bridgetown "1" bootheel.

2, Ceylon postmark/cancel
on 1883 QV 4c rosy mauve CA wmk (SG.148).

3, Ceylon postmark/cancel
on 1883 QV 4c rosy mauve CA wmk (SG.148).

3, Ceylon postmark/cancel
on 1883 QV 4c rosy mauve CA wmk (SG.148).

6., Ceylon postmark/cancel
on 1883 QV 4c rosy mauve CA wmk (SG.148).

7, Ceylon postmark/cancel
on 1883 QV 4c rosy mauve CA wmk (SG.148), tiny thin.

8, Ceylon postmark/cancel
on 1883 QV 4c rosy mauve CA wmk (SG.148).

8, Ceylon postmark/cancel
on 1883 QV 4c rosy mauve CA wmk (SG.148).

10, Ceylon postmark/cancel
on horiz. pair 1883 QV 4c rosy mauve CA wmk (SG.148).

10, Ceylon postmark/cancel
on 1883 QV 4c rosy mauve CA wmk (SG.148).

10, Ceylon postmark/cancel
on 1883 QV 4c rosy mauve CA wmk (SG.148).

11, Ceylon postmark/cancel
on 1883 QV 4c rosy mauve CA wmk (SG.148).

11, Ceylon postmark/cancel
on 1883 QV 4c rosy mauve CA wmk (SG.148).

16, Ceylon postmark/cancel
on 1883 QV 4c rosy mauve CA wmk (SG.148).

16, Ceylon postmark/cancel
on 1883 QV 4c rosy mauve CA wmk (SG.148).
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