15 used BUSHMAN'S RIVER, Natal postmark on QV 6d (SG.13). £30
11 on QV 6d (SG.83). £12
8 used ISIPINGO, Natal postmark on QV 6d (SG.62). £32
20 used NEWCASTLE, Natal postmark on QV 3d (SG.11). £45
72, Natal postmark on QV 1d (SG.99). £20
38 used GOOD HOPE, Natal postmark on QV 1d (SG.99). £35
30 used UMSIMKULU, Natal postmark on QV 1d (SG.66). £20
27 used SEVEN OAKS, Natal postmark on QV 1d (SG.99). £18
11 used GREYTOWN, Natal postmark on QV 3d (SG.61). £9
11 used NEWCASTLE, Natal postmark on QV 1d (SG.51). £24
48 used BYRNETOWN, Natal postmark on QV 1d (SG.66). £48
POA 74, Natal postmark on QV 1d (SG.99a). £24
POA 72, Natal postmark (Type 1) on QV 1d (SG.99a). Type 1 with larger figures and serif to base of "2" - Type 2 with smaller figures and base of "2" without serif
POA 56, Natal postmark on QV 1d (SG.56a). £18
POA 45, Natal postmark on QV 1d (SG.99a). £16
POA 33, Natal postmark on QV 1d (SG.99a). £15
4 used PAMPLEMOUSSES, Mauritius postmark on QV 4c orange Crown CA wmk (SG.104). £20
34 used RIVIERE DES ANGUILLES, Mauritius postmark on QV 4c (SG.104). £9
A38, Jamaica postmark (Type H) on QV 3d Pine wmk (SG.3). £10
A01 plus GB/40c, Jamaica postmarks on QV 1d CC (SG.8a), rare combination £15