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42 used VERDUN, Mauritius
on QV 4c (SG.104).

T.16 used CHAGUANAS, Trinidad postmark
(Type 0.9) on 1d (SG.101), closed tear.

21 used CEDROS, Trinidad postmark
(Type 0.2) on 1857 (1d) rose-red (SG.12), light ironed creases.

36 used SWEET HOME/ALOEPOORT, Orange River Colony postmark on CGH stamp
interprovincial use in purple on CGH KE7 ½d (SG.70), minor faults.

86., Orange River Colony postmark used on CGH stamps interprovincial
in magenta (attributed Rietspruit/Zamenkomst/Kaallaagte) on 2 x CGH KE7 ½d (SG.70) piece.

718 used EMBEKELWENI, Swaziland postmark
in blue ink on ½d grey (SG.4), perf. fault.

B64 used SEYCHELLES postmark
on Mauritius QV 10d maroon (SG.Z25).

B65 used RODRIGUES, Mauritius postmark
on QV 4c orange CC wmk (SG.93), creased.

10 used PHILIPPOLIS, Orange Free State postal history
on 1d Brief Kaart written 24 Sept to Cape Town.

21, Orange Free State postmark
(11 bar) on horiz. pair 1d on 3d (SG.54).

B.31 used FREETOWN, Sierra Leone postmark
(17x25mm) vertical format on QV 1d rose-carmine (SG.28a). Rarely available.
Sent from GPO, London 1st June 1893.

1047 used CATHCART, Cape of Good Hope postal history
A/SP 9 99 on 1d (SG.59) cover to Vermont, USA. Fine T over 15c tax h/stamp, roughly opened at right.

653 used MONTAGU, Cape of Good Hope postal history
B/MR 26 96 on ONE HALFPENNY on QV 1d Post Card to Cape Town.

868 used ALIWAL NORTH, Cape of Good Hope postal history
C/MY 2 98 with CGH 1d tied on uncancelled Orange Free State 1d orange Brief Kaart to Hamburg.

POA 75 used WARTBURG arrival, Natal postal history
on CGH QV ½d green Post Card from Cape Town 27 AP 98.

POA 2 used 1902 (JY --) BOER WAR, Natal postal history
tying GB KE7 1d on cover to Cradock (B/JY 22 02 arrival) with Newcastle A/JY 19 1902 transit. Minor soiling.

P.O.A. 59, NATAL postal history
P.O.A. 59 on much travelled opened-out 1898 Transvaal 1d rate cover pmk'd Johannesburg 3 ME1 98 to Lower Umzimkulu re-addressed Imbezana, Natal with GPO, Natal 4 MY 98, Durban 5 MY 98, Umzinto 5 5 98, Umhlangeni MY 12 98 and MY 13 98, 2 x POA 59, Port Shepstone JY 7 98, Umhlangeni JY 8 98 and purple Returned Letter Office 15 9 98 plus 2 OCT 98 unidentified Z.A.R. return arrival, reverse with blue crayon "Advertised + Unclaimed". Exhibition item.

NATAL postal history
1902 reg. cover to Cradock with 7 x QV 1d (SG.99a) tied P.O.A. 91 numerals, b/stamped Durban MR 6 1902, flap tied by stamp selvedge and marked "Reported" with initials to show registered mail has extra sealing (stamp selvedge), staining on reverse.

POA 94 used 1902 (JA --) BOER WAR, Natal postal history
on QV 1d rate cover to Diyatalawa Camp, Ceylon, b/stamped FE 15 02 arrival.

7 used ARIMA (originally), Trinidad postmark on VIRGIN ISLANDS
(Type 0.2) used as sole canceller on 1884 QV 2½d ultramarine (SG.31), smaller faults.
The 1883 QV issues for Arima are normally always cancelled by either the 0.9 duplex numeral datestamp or by the 0.6 numeral in diamond handstamp. This late use of 0.2 7 is also known on Trinidad 1883 QV 1d (SG.107). This extraordinary and unusual use might suggest re-allocation to Dead Letter Office or elsewhere.
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