942 used LARNACA, Cyprus postmark on HALF-PENNY (13mm) on GB ovp'd QV 1d Plate 215 (SG.9). £36
942 used LARNACA, Cyprus postmark on GB ovp'd QV ½d Plate 15 (SG.1). £65
POA 3 plus LADYSMITH skeleton, Natal postal history transit cancel dated FE 20 1909 on QV 1d Post Card pmk'd P.O.A. 3 written P.O. Sunkelsdrift addressed Berlin, Germany. £60
594 used LADISMITH, Cape of Good Hope postal history on 1d rate cover dated NO 4 01 to Cape Town. £32
POA 23 used P.O. LILIENTHAL, Natal postal history tying KE7 1½d on col. ppc of "A Native Homestead" to Germany re-addressed France showing Dalton and Pitermaritzburg AP 15 11 transits. £45
1091 used ROSMEAD, Cape of Good Hope postal history on 1d rate cover dated E/MY 8 99 to Graff Reinet, some opening faults along top. £40
234 used TARKASTAD, Cape of Good Hope postal history on 1d rate cover with added pair 4d (contemporary or late fee?) dated AU 8 90 to Cape Town, some toning, £48
653 used MONTAGU, Cape of Good Hope postal history on 1d rate cover dated DE 4 89 to Cape Town, some tone spots at base. £32
457 used BOWDEN, Cape of Good Hope postal history on KE7 1d rate cover to Transvaal dated JU 4 4, peripheral faults and opened 2 sides. £32
A76 used SPANISH TOWN, Jamaica postal history Type H on vertical strip of four QV 2d pale rose Pine wmk (SG.2) on miniature entire (111x52mm) dated C/AP 1 61 internally to Mandeville P.O., one stamp with clipped corner. £180
POA 72 (small) with UPPER TONGAAT skeleton, Natal postal history on KE7 1d cover to Nottingham, England b/stamped AP 30 10. Two types: exists with larger figures and serif to base of 2, and smaller figures and base of 2 without serif. £80
B64 used SEYCHELLES postmark on Mauritius 1880 QV 17c rose CC wmk (SG.Z50). £65
403 used unknown location CGH, Transvaal interprovincial on TVL KE7 1d (SG.274). £36
B27 used QUITTAH, Gold Coast postmark on QV 4d Crown CC (SG.7), thinning hinge area etc. £12
K3a "16", Bermuda postmark on QV 1d pale rose CC wmk (SG.2) showing positioning of duplex cds. £85
K3a "8", Bermuda postmark on QV 1d pale rose CC wmk (SG.2). £36
K4a 14, Bermuda postmark on QV 1d CA wmk (SG.23), rounded lower left corner. £28
K3a 8, Bermuda postmark on QV 1d CA wmk (SG.23). £30
K3a 15, Bermuda postmark on QV 1d CC wmk (SG.1). £24
K3a 13, Bermuda postmark on QV 3d (SG.10), defective corner etc. £30