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178 used MARENGO, New South Wales postal history
cover with 2 x QV 2d to Hobart, Tasmania dated OC 13 1904 with handstruck "TOO-LATE".

5 used ST. JOHN, Barbados postmark
bootheel on (1d) blue no wmk (SG.23).

30, Orange River Colony postal history
on CGH "ONE PENNY" on QV 1½d ovp'd "O.R.C." Post Card to Germany with design pmk'd DEWETSDORP 22 JUL 1905 d/ring, reverse headed "Kassel via Dewetsdorp".

ADDAH plus 554 combination, Gold Coast postmarks
blue ADDAH (T.2) dated C/SP 28 88 plus black Accra "554" on QV 2d (SG.13b).

ADDAH plus 556 combination, Gold Coast postmarks
part ADDAH negative seal (T.4) plus Cape Coast "556" on QV 4d CC wmk (SG.7).

20 used NEWCASTLE, Natal postmark
on QV 1/- (SG.59), heavy thin.

41 used ST. PIERRE, Mauritius postmark
on QV 25c olive-yellow CA wmk (SG.110).

41 used ST. PIERRE, Mauritius postmark
on "TWO CENTS" on QV 4c carmine CA wmk (SG.118), red crayon line.

41 used ST. PIERRE, Mauritius postmark
on QV 16c chestnut CA wmk (SG.109).

41 used ST. PIERRE, Mauritius postmark
on QV 4c carmine CA wmk (SG.105), diagonal crease.

41 used ST. PIERRE, Mauritius postmark
on QV 4c orange CA wmk (SG.104).

41 used ST. PIERRE, Mauritius postmark
on QV 2c Venetian red CA wmk (SG.102).

43 used QUARTIER MILITAIRE, Mauritius postmark
on QV 2c green CA wmk (SG.102).

42 used VERDUN, Mauritius postmark
on "TWO CENTS" on QV 4c carmine CA wmk (SG.118).

42 used VERDUN, Mauritius postmark
on QV 4c carmine CA wmk (SG.105).

42 used VERDUN, Mauritius postmark
on QV 2c green CA wmk (SG.103).

530, Cape of Good Hope postmark
on 1d (SG.59).

(SG Z.40) on Mauritius "13 CENTS" on QV 3d orange-red CC wmk, some soiling.

30, Orange River Colony postal history
on KE7 1d PSE with added V.R.I. 2d (SG.114) to Germany, b/stamped DEWETSDORP 19 NO 04.

POA 95, Natal postal history:
tying QV 1d (SG.99a) on cover to Ormesby, Norfolk, b/stamped LADYSMITH C/5 JY 00 d/ring and Great Yarmouth JY 28 00 cds.
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