A78, Jamaica postmark on QV 1d CC wmk (SG.8) with light KINGSTON MY 22 79 cds, small faults. £2
K3a "15", Bermuda postmark on QV 2d dull blue CC wmk (SG.3), insignificant corner crease. £75
K1 "7", Bermuda postmark on QV 3d yellow-buff CC wmk (SG.5). £85
10 used ST. PETER, Barbados postmark (C2) bootheel on BLUED PAPER 1870 (1d) blue large star wmk (SG.44a, Cat.£120). Currently the first recorded Parish bootheel recorded by me on the blued paper issue £80
K3a "9", Bermuda postmark complete duplex showing positioning of cds dated A/MR 22 89 on horiz. pair QV ½d stone (SG.19) piece. K3a “9” remained in use as late as June 1889, but it is the only one of the K3a series so far reported as having been used after December 31st 1888 (Ludington P.130).
K3a "13", Bermuda postmark on QV 2d CC wmk (SG.3) showing positioning of duplex cds, str. edge at left, tiny pin-hole thin. £36
K3a "12", Bermuda postmark on QV 4d (SG.20) showing positioning of duplex cds, perf. fault at lower right. £24
554 used ACCRA, Gold Coast postmark on QV ½d olive-yellow CA wmk P.14 (SG.9, Cat.£75.00). £30
556 used Cape Coast Castle, Gold Coast postmark on QV 4d CC wmk P.14 (SG.7), blunt corner perf. £10
10 used ST. PETER, Barbados postmark (C2) bootheel on QV 1d (SG.91), slightly dull colour. £10
A64, Jamaica postmark on QV 4d Pine wmk (SG.4a), str. edge at right, very scarce on this issue. £8
A27, Jamaica postmark on QV 3d CC wmk (SG.10), defective lower left corner, rare on this issue. £9
640, Jamaica postmark on QV 6d CC wmk (SG.12). £6
34 used RIVIERE DES ANGUILLES, Mauritius postmark on QV 2c on 38c bright purple (SG.116), rare on this issue. £32
974 used KYRENIA, Cyprus postmark on QV 1pi Crown CC wmk (SG.12). £20
974 used KYRENIA, Cyprus postmark on QV 2pi Crown CC wmk (SG.12). £20
A03 used GEORGETOWN, British Guiana postmark on 1863 8c pink P.12½-13 (SG.54, Cat.£85.00). £32
53, Cape of Good Hope postmark in octagonal on 1d (SG.59a). £12
4 used KING WILLIAMS TOWN, Cape of Good Hope postmark large broadface type on 1d (SG.49a), toning. Seen only once by Jurgen (see pages 64-65, Figure 72a)