K1 "7", Bermuda postmark on QV 6d dull purple CC wmk (SG.6, Cat.£75). £90
K1 "1", Bermuda postmark on 1865 QV 6d dull purple CC wmk (SG.6, Cat.£75), harsher perf. toning. The St. Georges K1 "1" on QV 6d dull purple was usually used on Officers letters via Halifax to England, and such covers were subsequently cancelled by B/1 from MY 8 1868 £10
556 used CAPE COAST CASTLE, Gold Coast postmark on QV 2½d (SG.14). £4
K3a "8", Bermuda postmark on QV 1d rose-red CA wmk (SG.23), slight reverse toning. £12
K3a "8", Bermuda postmark on QV 1d pale rose CC wmk (SG.2). £32
K4a "8", Bermuda postmark on QV 2½d deep ultramarine (SG.27), reverse slightly toned overall appearance. £15
11 used ST. LUCY, Barbados postmark (C2) bootheel on 1d deep blue (SG.66). £10
696 used LADY GREY ALIWAL NORTH DIV., Cape of Good Hope postal history QV 1d Reply Post Card portion dated 2 AU 95 to Coppenbrugge, Germany £28
K4a "8", Bermuda postmark on QV 4d orange-red CC wmk (SG.20). Ex Geoff OSBORN display page £36
K4a "14", Bermuda postmark on 1866 QV 2d dull blue CC wmk (SG.3), defective top right corner, extremely rare on this issue. Ex Geoff OSBORN display page £140
564 used NAAUWPOORT, Cape of Good Hope postal history dated C/OC 29 95 on QV 1d Post Card to Cartographers in Edinburgh. £36
640 used PEARSTON, Cape of Good Hope postal history dated A/AP 12 96 on 1d rate cover to P.O. Achter Sneewberg, some reverse damaga at base. £40
K3 "2" (handstamp II) used ST. GEORGE'S, Bermuda postal history The short-lived K3 "2" duplex (Handstamp II) dated A/NO 20 80 on 50% top half cover to Warwick West b/stamped Hamilton B/NO 20 80 and very poor K3a "8" arrival. This elusive Handstamp II recorded OC 21 1880 to DE 22 1880 £120
K3a "13", Bermuda postmark on 1873 QV 3d yellow-buff CC wmk P.14 (SG.5). Ex Geoff OSBORN display page £140
A76 used SPANISH TOWN, Jamaica postmark on QV 1/- dull brown DOLLAR variety (SG.6b, Cat.£600.00), stamp fine. £240
K3a 8, Bermuda postmark on 1881 QV 3d yellow-buff CC wmk P.114 x 12½ (SG.10, slightly soiled appearance, full perfs. £40
556 used CAPE COAST CASTLE, Gold Coast postmark on QV 6d orange CC wmk P.14 (SG.8). £20
36 in manuscript used DRY HARBOUR, Jamaica postmark on QV 1d Pine wmk (SG.1b) overstruck clear Kingston A01 (Type A, found only on GB and Pine wmk issues). £160
K4a "10", Bermuda postmark re-joined pair and two singles dated C/SP 18 90 on QV 1d carmine-rose (SG.24) showing positioning of duplex cds, some perf. defects. £60
207 used KENILWORTH, Cape of Good Hope postal history on QV 1d on 1½d Post Card to Earls Court, London dated 4/OC 22 98, light toning. £40