A62 used PLANTAIN GARDEN RIVER, Jamaica postmark on QV 2d Keyplate (SG.28). £2
A64 used PORT ANTONIO, Jamaica postmark in blue ink on QV ½d CC wmk (SG.7), rare on this. £10
A64 used PORT ANTONIO, Jamaica postmark in blue ink on QV 2d CC wmk (SG.9), perf. defect, rare on this. £8
A66 used PORT MARIA, Jamaica postmark on QV 1/- CC wmk (SG.13), faults. £4
A66 used PORT MARIA, Jamaica postmark on QV 2d CA wmk (SG.19). £3
A66 used PORT MARIA, Jamaica postmark on QV 1d Keyplate (SG.27). £2
A68 used PORUS, Jamaica postmark on QV 1d Pine wmk (SG.1c), trimmed perfs. £8
A68 used PORUS, Jamaica postmark on QV 1d CA wmk (SG.17), rare on this. £20
A75 used SAVANNA-LA-MAR, Jamaica postmark (Type L) on QV 4d CA wmk (SG.22b), rare on this. £7
A75 used SAVANNA-LA-MAR, Jamaica postmark (Type L) on QV 1d Keyplate (SG.27). £1
A76 used SPANISH TOWN, Jamaica postmark (Type H) on QV 6d Pine wmk (SG.5), trimmed perfs. £3
A76 used SPANISH TOWN, Jamaica postmark (Type O) on QV ½d CC wmk (SG.7). £6
A76 used SPANISH TOWN, Jamaica postmark (Type O) on QV 1d Postal Fiscal SIDEWAYS CA wmk (SG.F3). £2
G15 used BLUE MOUNTAIN VALLEY, Jamaica postmark on QV ½d CC wmk (SG.7a), repaired lower right corner, rare on this. £9
A64, Jamaica postmark on QV 2d CA wmk (SG.20a). £4
BRITISH GUIANA to FRANCE 1859 cover with GB QV 1d pair, QV 6d pmk’d “A03” dated DEMERARA A/JU 25 59 to Dieppe, France re-directed to 47 Avenue des Champs Elysees, Paris showing London JY 19, AMB Calais 20 JUL, Le Havre A Paris 22 JUIL transits. Flap removed by recipient to show his hand-written notes re content. Thought to be a unique GB used abroad combination (use of 8d rate to France is confirmed by double rate entire (1/4d) from same correspondence bearing GB QV 4d, pair QV 6d dated OC 10 1859. £3500
JAMAICA USED AT BRITISH POST OFFICES ABROAD The currently unique trio of “C51” (used St. Thomas) on QV 1d Pine wmk, the unrecorded on GB used abroad “D60” (whereabouts of use unknown, RPS certificate) on QV 6d Pine wmk, and “E88” (used Colon) on QV 2d CC wmk.
Similar to the accepted use of Trinidad stamps at Ciudad Bolivar, it is now thought that Jamaica stamps may have had permitted or accepted use on correspondence back to the island – see Foster Page 31. (A red ink “D63” is also recorded on Jamaica QV 6d Pine wmk). The "D60" illustrated Parmenter & Gordon handbook Page 3 / 52
K3a "6", Bermuda postmark on QV 1d dull rose CA wmk (SG.22), corner perf. fault. £28
A75 used SAVANNA-LA-MAR, Jamaica postmark (Type L) on QV 4d CA wmk (SG.22b), rare on this issue. £12
A66 used PORT MARIA, Jamaica postmark on QV 1d CA wmk (SG.18a). £4