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806 used MURRAYSBURG, Cape of Good Hope postal history
on 1d (SG.49a) rate cover to Cape Town pmk'd A/AP 18 93, some toning.

1232 used UPPER MAITLAND, Cape of Good Hope postal history
dated B/AU 9 05 on pair KE7 ½d affixed b/w ppc of "Silver leaf trees on Devils Peak" to Warwick, England showing MAITLAND transit, some toning.

POA.51, Natal postal history
on undated complete QV ½d newswrapper by German Mail Steamer to Durban, no backstamps.

ST. VINCENT stamps:
1882 QV 1d drab ovp'd "Revenue" (SG.39, PML.9), fine used with forged "A10" cancel.

416 used UITENHAGE, Cape of Good Hope postal history
on QV ½d Post Card pmk'd A/MR 18 92 to Brook Spooner & Co (shoe company), Port Elizabeth.

17 used COUVA, Trinidad postmark
(Type 0.2) on 1863 4d dull lilac CC wmk (SG.70b), trimmed perfs. at right.

23 code used CEDROS STEAMER, Trinidad postmark
(0.7, large) part dated 23/-U 30 1880 on 4d bluish grey CC wmk (SG.76), horiz. crease.

T.31 used CARONI, Trinidad postmark
(Type 0.9) on 1882 1d rosy carmine (SG.101).

17 used COUVA, Trinidad postmark
(Type 0.2) on 1863-80 1/- mauve (aniline) (SG.73b), some trimmed top perfs.

A04 used BERBICE, British Guiana postmark
on 1875 2c orange OFFICIAL (SG.02).

K1 "13", Bermuda postmark
on 1865 QV QV 1d pale rose CC wmk (SG.2).

K1 "1", Bermuda postmark
on 1865 QV 1/- green CC wmk (SG.8, Cat.£70).

K1 "1", Bermuda postmark
on 1865 QV 1/- green CC wmk (SG.8, Cat.£70).

K4 "3", Bermuda postmark
on 1880 QV 4d orange-red CC wmk (SG.20).

K4a "15", Bermuda postmark
on 1889 QV 1d aniline carmine CA wmk (SG.24a).

K4a "6", Bermuda postmark
on QV 2½d (SG.27b).

K4a "6", Bermuda postmark
on 1886 QV 1d carmine-rose CA wmk (SG.24).

K3 "3", Bermuda postmark
on 1880 QV 4d orange-red CC wmk (SG.20).

K4a "15", Bermuda postmark
on 1886 QV 1d carmine-rose CA wmk (SG.24).

K4a "15", Bermuda postmark
on 1880 QV 4d orange-red CC wmk (SG.20) showing positioning of duplex cds.
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