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A04 (tall) used BERBICE, British Guiana postmark
on 1876 2c orange CC wmk (SG.127).

K3a "3", Bermuda postmark
on QV 3d grey (SG.28).

K3a "15", Bermuda postmark
on QV ½d stone (SG.19).

555 used VRYBURG, Bechuanaland postmark
on QV 2d (SG.11).

K1 "3", Bermuda postmark
on QV 3d yellow-buff (SG.5, Cat.£65).

Manuscript "Middle Quarters", Jamaica postmark
NEWLY DISCOVERED manuscript "Middle Quarters" on QV 2d Crown CC (SG.9a) dated Kingston A/JY 29 76 used pending the arrival of the "A.82" numeral, currently unique.
The Middle Quarters office was opened during May 1876 and the A.82 (Type M) numeral stated to have been sent during 1876. The earliest confirmed date of use for A.82 is currently JU 30 1882 on QV 1d Post Card (ex Surtees)

A73 used ST. ANN'S BAY, Jamaica postmark
on QV 2d CA wmk (SG.20a).

A73 used ST. ANN'S BAY, Jamaica postmark
on QV 1d Postal Fiscal SIDEWAYS CA wmk (SG.F3).

A73 used ST. ANN'S BAY, Jamaica postmark
on QV 1d Pine wmk (SG.1b).

A73 used ST. ANN'S BAY, Jamaica postmark
on QV 2d Keyplate (SG.28).

A73 used ST. ANN'S BAY, Jamaica postmark
on QV 4d CA wmk (SG.22b).

A73 used ST. ANN'S BAY, Jamaica postmark
on QV 4d Pine wmk (SG.4), crease.

A73 used ST. ANN'S BAY, Jamaica postmark
on QV 1d CA wmk (SG.18), faults.

A66 used PORT MARIA, Jamaica postmark
on QV 1/- CC wmk (SG.13).

A64, Jamaica postmark
on QV ½d CA wmk (SG.16a).

A56, Jamaica postmark
(Type H) on QV 1d Pine wmk (SG.1b).

A67 used PORT ROYAL, Jamaica postmark
on QV 1d Pine wmk (SG.1).

ST. LUCIA stamps:
QV 1/- (SG.50) with manuscript markings removed and forged "A10" (as used Kingstown, St. Vincent) added.

TRINIDAD stamps:
1875 (1d)lake diagonally bisected (SG.75a)on piece tied forged Type O.4 "1" numeral as would have been used at Port of Spain.

A64, Jamaica postmark
on QV 3d CA wmk (SG.21).
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