17 used LADYBRAND, Orange Free State postmark (16 bar) in purple on 2d (SG.49), blunt corner perf. £14
1 used BLOEMFONTEIN, Orange Free State postmark (11 bar) in greenish-blue on 2d (SG.49). £8
K4a "14", Bermuda numeral on 1880 QV ½d stone CC wmk (SG.19). No examples recorded in the David Pitts (May 1998) and MH rarity charts (BWISC 9/2015 and 12/2015 journals) £40
7 code used ST. JAMES, Barbados postmark (M2-R) dated 7/SP 17 86 on QV ½d (SG.90). £16
7 code used ST. JAMES, Barbados postmark (M2-R) dated 7/MY 13 86 on QV 1d (SG.91). £7
3 code used ST. PHILIP, Barbados postmark (M2-O) dated 3/JA 27 86 on QV 1d (SG.92), corner crease. £10
K3a "16", Bermuda postmark on QV 1d rose-red CA wmk (SG.23) showing positioning of duplex cds. £80
8 code used ST. THOMAS, Barbados postmark (M2-R) dated 8/OC 17 83 on QV 1d (SG.91). £50
Code 8 used ST. THOMAS, Barbados postal history 1884 use of QV ½d Post Card from Bridgetown to Augustus Briggs Hinkson, Rugby, St. Thomas with clear 8/MR 27 84 (M2-R) arrival, by far the scarcest of the M2 Parish grouping. £240
K1 "15", Bermuda postmark on 1865 QV 1/- green CC wmk (SG.8), some perfs. trimmed lower left side and minor toning. Very rare, few examples recorded £280
2 code used CHRIST CHURCH, Barbados postmark (M2-R) dated 2/JU 17 without year on QV 1d (SG.91). Found without year 2/JA 11 to 2/JU 17, year 1886 cancels are currently found for period 2/JY 9 86 to 2/DE 29 86 £18
4 code used ST. GEORGE, Barbados postmark (M2-R) dated 4/JA 13 85 on QV 1d (SG.92). £14
4 code used ST. GEORGE, Barbados postmark (M2-R) dated 4/MR 16 98 (year error for 86) on QV ½d (SG.90), currently unique. Nearest recorded normals are currently 4/MR 5 86 to 4/AP 9 86 £24
3 code used ST. PHILIP, Barbados postmark (M3) sideways top facing right 3/MY 13 97 on 1d Seal (SG.107). Currently recorded with sideways facing right MY 5 97 to NO 1 97 £12
3 code used ST. PHILIP, Barbados postmark (M3) sideways top facing left 3/DE 16 97 on 1d D. Jubilee (SG.118). Currently recorded sideways facing left for NO 22 97 to DE 31 87 £15
11 used ST. LUCY, Barbados postmark (M2-O) dated 11/AP 12 84 on QV ½d green (SG.90). £24
7 used ST. JAMES, Barbados postmark (C2) bootheel on QV 4d grey (SG.97), perf. fault. £20
3 code used ST. PHILIP, Barbados postmark (M2-0) dated 3/MR 4 with 8 for year on QV 1d (SG.92). The only recorded example with single digit year, slots nicely for year 86 use £28
ST. PHILIP, Barbados postmark (M3) inverted code 3/SP 26 03 on 1d Seal (SG.107), currently the only recorded date with this variety. £12
K3 "4", Bermuda postmark on QV 3d grey (SG.28). £8