205, Cape of Good Hope postmark on 1d (SG.49a). £5
204, Cape of Good Hope postmark on 1d (SG.49a). £6
1125, Cape of Good Hope postmark on KE7 1d (SG.71). £5
225, Cape of Good Hope postmark on 5/- (SG.69). £8
186, Cape of Good Hope postmark on 1d (SG.49a). £7
201, Cape of Good Hope postmark on 2d (SG.42). £5
ST. VINCENT stamps 1883 QV 1/- vermilion ovp'd "Revenue" P.12 Crown CA REVERSED wmk (PML.13), fine used with forged "A10" postmark. 1,800 issued (60 sheets, PML Page 147), "R" with "dancing shoes" as opposed to "feet firmly on floor". £80
119, Cape of Good Hope postmark on 1d (SG.49a). £5
442, Cape of Good Hope postmark on 1d (SG.49). £5
521, Cape of Good Hope postmark on 1d (SG.59a). £5
728, Cape of Good Hope postmark on 1d (SG.59). £7
227, Cape of Good Hope postmark on 6d (SG.25a). £4
624, Cape of Good Hope postmark on 1d (SG.49a). £8
712, Cape of Good Hope postmark on 1d (SG.69). £9
298 used YELLOWWOOD TREES, Cape of Good Hope postmark on 1d (SG.49), rare office. £28
416, Cape of Good Hope postmark on 2d (SG.50) fragment. £7
482, Cape of Good Hope postmark on 1d (SG.59a) fragment. £5
A10 used KINGSTOWN, St. Vincent postmark (PML.1) on 1861 QV 6d deep yellow-green (SG.2, Cat.£200), fine used. £45
A10 used KINGSTOWN, St. Vincent postmark (PML.3) on 1866 QV 1/- slate-grey P.14 to 16 (SG.9, Cat.£140), very fine used. £65
A10 used KINGSTOWN, St. Vincent postmark (PML.3) on 1862-68 QV 1d rose-red P.11 to 12½ (SG.), fine used. In use NO 9 1866 (introduced after the OC 29 1866 GPO fire) and SP 9 1868 (as the next SP 25 1868 commences use of vertical black "A10") £20