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A33 used CHAPLETON, Jamaica postmark
on QV 1d CA wmk (SG.18a).

A33 used CHAPLETON, Jamaica postmark
on QV 2d CA wmk (SG.20a).

A33 used CHAPLETON, Jamaica postmark
on QV 1d CA wmk (SG.18a).

A33 used CHAPLETON, Jamaica postmark
on QV 1d CC wmk (SG.8a).

A33 used CHAPLETON, Jamaica postmark
on QV 1d Postal Fiscal sideways CA wmk (SG.F3), rare on this.

A33 used CHAPLETON, Jamaica postmark
on QV 1d Pine wmk (SG.1).

A33 used CHAPLETON, Jamaica postmark
on QV 2d Keyplate (SG.28).

A33 used CHAPLETON, Jamaica postmark
on QV 2d Pine wmk (SG.2), thin at top.

A33 used CHAPLETON, Jamaica postmark
on QV 3d Pine wmk (SG.3), thinned corner.

B31 used FREETOWN, Sierra Leone postmark
on 1884 QV 1d rose-carmine Crown CA wmk block of eight stamps (SG.28a, Cat.£68+)

B48 used FOREST SIDE, Mauritius postmark
on 1896 QV 4c dull purple Inland Revenue (SG.R3, Cat.£70).

Vertical "A05", Bahamas postmark (Ex Hoey)
(K2, unlisted Proud handbook) on QV 1d carmine-rose (SG.48), extremely rare. Ex HOEY.
The only other copy seen being on QV 2½d (SG.52) overstruck Nassau C/JA 11 99 cds.

20 used LA BREA, Trinidad postmark
(Type 0.2) on 1853 (1d) brownish red/blue paper (SG.7, Cat.£70), clear margins.

A10 used GEORGETOWN, St. Vincent postmark
(PML.5) in red on QV 1d drab Crown CA REVERSED wmk (SG.39a).

288, Cape of Good Hope postmark
on 1d (SG.59a).

11 used ST. LUCY, Barbados postmark
(C2) bootheel on 1872 (1d) blue Small star (SG.52).

292, Cape of Good Hope postmark
on 1d (SG.59a).

11 used ST. LUCY, Barbados postmark
(C2) bootheel on 1874 1d deep blue (SG.74).

10 used ST. PETER, Barbados postmark
(C2) bootheel on 1874 1d deep blue (SG.66).

393, Cape of Good Hope postmark
on 1d (SG.49).
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