A33 used CHAPLETON, Jamaica postmark on QV 1d CA wmk (SG.18a). £4
A33 used CHAPLETON, Jamaica postmark on QV 2d CA wmk (SG.20a). £3
A33 used CHAPLETON, Jamaica postmark on QV 1d CA wmk (SG.18a). £3
A33 used CHAPLETON, Jamaica postmark on QV 1d CC wmk (SG.8a). £2
A33 used CHAPLETON, Jamaica postmark on QV 1d Postal Fiscal sideways CA wmk (SG.F3), rare on this. £7
A33 used CHAPLETON, Jamaica postmark on QV 1d Pine wmk (SG.1). £12
A33 used CHAPLETON, Jamaica postmark on QV 2d Keyplate (SG.28). £3
A33 used CHAPLETON, Jamaica postmark on QV 2d Pine wmk (SG.2), thin at top. £12
A33 used CHAPLETON, Jamaica postmark on QV 3d Pine wmk (SG.3), thinned corner. £10
B31 used FREETOWN, Sierra Leone postmark on 1884 QV 1d rose-carmine Crown CA wmk block of eight stamps (SG.28a, Cat.£68+) £75
B48 used FOREST SIDE, Mauritius postmark on 1896 QV 4c dull purple Inland Revenue (SG.R3, Cat.£70). £50
Vertical "A05", Bahamas postmark (Ex Hoey) (K2, unlisted Proud handbook) on QV 1d carmine-rose (SG.48), extremely rare. Ex HOEY. The only other copy seen being on QV 2½d (SG.52) overstruck Nassau C/JA 11 99 cds. £625
20 used LA BREA, Trinidad postmark (Type 0.2) on 1853 (1d) brownish red/blue paper (SG.7, Cat.£70), clear margins. £48
A10 used GEORGETOWN, St. Vincent postmark (PML.5) in red on QV 1d drab Crown CA REVERSED wmk (SG.39a). £18
288, Cape of Good Hope postmark on 1d (SG.59a). £7
11 used ST. LUCY, Barbados postmark (C2) bootheel on 1872 (1d) blue Small star (SG.52). £9
292, Cape of Good Hope postmark on 1d (SG.59a). £7
11 used ST. LUCY, Barbados postmark (C2) bootheel on 1874 1d deep blue (SG.74). £8
10 used ST. PETER, Barbados postmark (C2) bootheel on 1874 1d deep blue (SG.66). £9