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POA 117, Natal postmark
on horiz. pair KE7 ½d (SG.146).

POA 101, Natal postmark
on KE7 1d (SG.148).

POA 24, Natal postmark
on KE7 1d (SG.128).

POA 52, Natal postmark
on QV 1d (SG.99a), some perf. toning at top.

277, Cape of Good Hope postmark
on 1d (SG.59).

315, Cape of Good Hope postmark
on 1d (SG.59a).

320, Cape of Good Hope postmark
on 1d (SG.59a).

A28 used ANNOTTO BAY, Jamaica postmark
(Type M) on QV ½d CC wmk (SG.7).

A28 used ANNOTTO BAY, Jamaica postmark
(Type M) on QV 1d blue CC wmk (SG.8).

A30 used BLACK RIVER, Jamaica postmark
on QV 3d CC wmk (SG.10), scarce on this issue.

A67 used PORT ROYAL, Jamaica postmark
on Great Britain 1873-80 QV 1/- green Plate 8 (SG unlisted), accompanied by photocopy 1993 B.P.A. Expertising Certificate stating genuine and supposedly touched in.

BAHAMAS postmark
Combination A/BAHAMAS/JA 20 82 cds and "A05" on 1882 QV 4d rose Crown CA wmk P.14 (SG.43).

18 used CATHKIN, Natal postmark
(Type G) on QV 6d Crown CA wmk (SG.103).

D48 used ARMY HEADQUARTERS, Cyprus postmark
on 1886 "½" on QV ½pi emerald-green Crown CA wmk with large "1" at left (SG.29a, Cat.£275).

28, Ceylon postmark/cancel
on horiz. pair REVERSED CC wmk 6d blackish brown (SG.55cx, Cat.£150), rounded corner perf.

A56 used MONTEGO BAY, Jamaica postmark
(Type K) on QV ½d CC wmk (SG.7).

A56, Jamaica postmark
(Type H) on QV 1/- CC wmk (SG.13).

A56, Jamaica postmark
(Type H) on QV 3d CC wmk (SG.10).

A57, Jamaica postmark
on QV ½d CC wmk (SG.7a).

A57, Jamaica postmark
on QV 1d Postal Fiscal SIDEWAYS CA wmk (SG.F3), corner perf. fault.
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