A10 used GEORGETOWN, St. Vincent postmark/cancel (PML.5 in red) on 1880 QV 1d olive-green (SG.29), closed tear at lower right. £75
POA 17, Natal postmark/cancel on QV 1d (SG.99). £16
POA 41, Natal postmark/cancel on QV 1d (SG.99a). £14
218, Cape of Good Hope postmark/cancel on 1d (SG.59). £6
705, Cape of Good Hope postmark/cancel on 1d (SG.59). £8
785, Cape of Good Hope postmark/cancel on 1d (SG.59). £7
A64, Jamaica postmark/cancel on QV 4d red-orange CA wmk (SG.22, Cat.£22). £8
A64, Jamaica postmark/cancel on QV 1d CA wmk (SG.17), scarce on this issue. £4
287, Cape of Good Hope postmark/cancel on 1d (SG.59). £7
232, Cape of Good Hope postmark on NIEUWE REPUBLIEK stamp on 3d issue. £85
K1 "2", Bermuda postmark/cancel on 1865 QV 1d rose-red Crown CC wmk (SG.1), perf. faults at base. £9
K1 "2", Bermuda postmark/cancel on wing-marginal 1874 QV 6d mauve Crown CC wmk P.14 (SG.7). £16
36 in manuscript used DRY RIVER, Jamaica postmark/cancel on QV 1d Pine wmk (SG.1b) overstruck part strikes KINGSTON-JAMAICA cds partly dated M- 24 (61 or 62). £48
K4a "15", Bermuda postmark/cancel on 1886 QV 1d carmine-rose CA wmk (SG.24) showing 1mm spacing between duplex cds and numeral portion. £15
K4a "11", Bermuda postmark/cancel on 1886 QV 1d carmine-rose CA wmk (SG.24) showing 2mm spacing between duplex cds and numeral portion. £14
A52, Jamaica postmark/cancel on QV 3d Pine wmk (SG.3). £7
A75 used SAVANNA LA MAR, Jamaica postmark/cancel on QV 1/- Pine wmk (SG.6a). £12
215 used FRENCH HOEK/BLANEY JUNCTION, Cape of Good Hope postmark/cancel on 1d (SG.59). £10
K3a "15", Bermuda postmark/cancel on QV 1d dull rose CA wmk (SG.22) showing positioning of duplex cds. £14
25 used ROSE HILL, Mauritius postmark/cancel on QV 4c orange CC wmk (SG.93). £14