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11 used ST. LUCY, Barbados postmark/cancel
(C2) bootheel on 1876 6d chrome-yellow (SG.79).

K1 "2" Bermuda postmark/cancel
on 1866 QV 2d dull blue CC wmk (SG.3).

A11 used CASTRIES, St. Lucia postmark/cancel
on 1884 QV 1d slate ovp'd REVENUE postal fiscal (SG.F27).

Code 7 used ST. JAMES, Barbados postal history
(M2-R) dated 7/MY 14 85 as arrival on QV ½d Post Card to The Spring Plantation, St. James, reverse printed text headed Bridgetown with buying prices refined sugar, and molasses per gallon.

B47 used ST. JULIEN, Mauritius postmark/cancel
on horiz. pair 1893 QV 1c pale violet (SG.101).

B48 used FOREST SIDE, Mauritius postmark/cancel
on 1885 QV 16c chestnut (SG.109).

10 used ST. PETER, Barbados postmark
(C2) bootheel on 1871 1/- black small star upright (SG.51).

2 code used SAN FERNANDO, Trinidad postmark/cancel
(Type 0.7) dated 2/DE 30 1880 on 1d (SG.75).

23 code used CEDROS STEAMER, Trinidad postmark/cancel
(Type 0.7) dated large 23/FE 4 1882 on 1d (SG.75c), small fault.

11 code used TUNAPUNA, Trinidad postmark/cancel
(Type 0.7) dated 11/JU 13 81 on (1d) (SG.75c), base perf. defects.

15 used ST. MARYS, Trinidad postmark/cancel
(Type 0.4) on 1863-40 1/- mauve (SG.73b).

4 used ST. GEORGE, Barbados postmark/cancel
(C2) bootheel on 1861 (1d) blue (SG.23).

617 used HAYES, Jamaica postmark/cancel
on QV 2d CA wmk (SG.20), scarce on this issue.

10 used ST. PETER, Barbados postmark/cancel
(C2) bootheel on 1876 6d chrome-yellow (SG.79).

8 code used ST. THOMAS, Barbados postmark/cancel
(M2) dated 8/OC 17 83 on QV 1d (SG.92).

556 used CAPE COAST, Gold Coast postmark/cancel
on 1907 KE7 ½d dull green MCA wmk (SG.59), soiled.

A64, Jamaica postmark/cancel
on QV 1d Keyplate (SG.27).

24 used HAMBANTOTA, Ceylon postmark/cancel
on 1867 QV 2d ochre (SG.64).

F87 used SMYRNA, British Levant postal history
1877 mourning cover with content to Mrs. H. Lee Wilson, Lancaster Gate, London with GB QV 2½d rosy-mauve Plate 9 tied "F87" with SMYRNA A/DE 14 77 cds alongside, reverse red PADDINGTON Z/DE 20 77 arrival. Part letter, one sheet, enclosed which talks about a walk around the town, mention of the Roman, Saxon, Norman remains, and of the stone coffins containing glass and jewellery excavated whilst building the new railway stations.

A18 used ENGLISH HARBOUR, Antigua postmark/cancel
on 1867 QV 1d vermilion small star sideways wmk (SG.7b, Cat.£42).
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