REGISTERED DURBAN, Natal postmark/cancel dated A/16 JA 90 on QV 1d (SG.99a). £12
R.L.O., BARBADOS postmarks Registered Letter Office (2 items) £10
SOUTHERN NIGERIA postmarks REGISTERED ovals Benin City, Bonny, Burutu, Old Calabar (4 items) £18
NEW SOUTH WALES postal history (Ex WILLCOCKS) 1863 cover to Lambeth, London with QV 6d plus (6d) REGISTERED pmk'd "36" with handstruck REGISTERED/BRAIDWOOD and red (crown)/REGISTERED applied on arrival, reverse Braidwood JA 19 1863 despatch clear of missing flap. Worn appearance. Ex Martin WILLCOCKS (1999). £195
REGISTERED (used Old Calabar), Niger Coast postmark (T.R4) dated A/AP 20 97 on QV ½d. £12
OPOBO, Niger Coast postmark (T.R6) part dated B/-- NO 00 on QV ½d. £15
REGISTERED IDAH, Southern Nigeria postmark (T.R15) AP 4 13/A on horiz. strip of three KE7 1d (SG.34) piece. £15
REGISTERED BONNY, Southern Nigeria postmark (T.R6) in blue dated A/AU 2 03 on KE7 6d (SG.15). £6
SAPELE, Southern Nigeria postmark (T.R13A) A/AP 28 13 on vertical strip of three KE7 1d (SG.34) piece. £9
REGISTERED DEGEMA, Southern Nigeria postmark (T.R13B)A/8 SE 04 on vertical strip of three KE7 ½d (SG.21). £15
REGISTERED CREEK TOWN, Southern Nigeria (T.R14A) A/MR 16 14 on vertical strip of three KGV 1d (SG.46) piece. £28
JAMAICA REGISTERED, Jamaica postmark dated NO 9 79 on QV ½d claret (SG.7), exceptionally unusual on this issue. £12
VICTORIA postal history 1867 reg. cover front to Locarno, Switzerland with QV 10d, 1/- pair, single (3/10d rate) pmk'd "3" numerals with REGISTERED CASTLEMAINE A/OC 25 67 alongside, soiling. £250