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ACKLINS ISLAND, Bahamas 1923 commercial cover front with two fine strikes ACKLINS ISLAND 4 MAY 23 from local trader and "photograper" (sic) to Huddersfield. £80
ARTHURS TOWN, Bahamas postal history 1911 cover with s/ways up C/ARTHURS TOWN DE 8 11 (LRD) to Miami, Florida with KE7 1d pmk;d Nassau 15 DEC 11, handstruck ADVERTISED and UNCLAIMED handstamps with light purple RETURN TO SENDER, b/stamped Nassau 12 JAN 12. £60
STANN CREEK, British Honduras 1944 J/8175 censored cover form the Colonial Medical Officer (flap) to Parcels for the Forces, Rockefeller Plaza, New York with KG6 31c rate pmk'd indistinct purple ink STANN CREEK 25 MR 44. £48
COMMISSIONER'S OFFICE Fresh Creek Andros, Bahamas full cover with TRD dated SEP 10 1962. £60
BAHAMAS to POST-WAR AMERICAN OCCUPATION of VIENNA, AUSTRIA 1948 reg. cover with KG6 4d (perf. fault), 6d, 1/- to Vienna with purple ink Austrian "V2" and 706 inspector handstamps. £65
FRANCE via MARTINIQUE to Soufriere, ST. LUCIA 1816 entire headed "Bordeaux le 28 Avril 1816" carried privately to St. Pierre, Martinique and then sent on to Monsieur Ribadieu, La Suffriere, Ile Ste Lucie, no postal markings. £150
MUSTIQUE ISLAND postal history A London School of Accountancy brown manilla envelope returned by added Educational Exercises Only label, opened each end to make a wrapper for returned printed matter with QE2 5c tied extremely rare blue ink MUSTIQUE temporary rubber datestamp 13.3.56. £150
BAHAMAS full RAF sender cover with censor 3193 label. £10
BAHAMAS full cover with censor 4827 label £10
MONTSERRAT postal history 1911 "used elsewhere" Frederiksted, St. Croix printed "JESUS IS COMING, GET READY" cover with unsealed rate ½d Badge pmk'd Montserrat A/AP 2 1911 to Apthorp, New Hampshire. £80
SPANISH TOWN, Jamaica postal history 1814 entire written both FE 13 and MR 14 and marked "p. Sandwich packet" to William Cruikshank, Arbroath, North Britain rated 2/7 with SPANISH TOWN/JA struck across reverse join, Scottish toll applied. £40
STREET LETTER BOX KINGSTON, Jamaica postal history 1896 unusual triangle mourning cover to New York pm'd 3A/NO 2 96. £75
ST. GEORGE'S, Bermuda to St. Georges, GRENADA 1872 mourning cover pmk'd STG/JY 28 72 to Grenada with 1865 QV 6d dull purple (SG.6) left to be cancelled at Hamilton with K1 "1", partial St. Thomas and Grenada transit/arrivals, larger part of flap missing. Rare destination. £750
BAHAMAS full cover with censor 4772 label £10
BAHAMAS full cover with censor 491 label £12
BAHAMAS full cover MAY 31 1943 with censor 2667 label £12
ANTIGUA (bogus) postal history Newly discovered home-made wrapper with printed and perforated QV 1d in greyish-black (Keyplate style, no shading behind both lighthouse and sailing ship) tied "A02" to a Mr Frederick Young, last heard of in Canterbury Settlement, care of Messrs. John White Villet & Sons, Parliament Street, Liverpool, England, peripheral faults. £175
GERMANY to BRITISH GUIANA Consignees Letter per s.s. "COTTICA" on large envelope from Hamburg 13 AP 36 to Georgetown, Demerara. £48
BAHAMAS postal history H.M. FORCES OVERSEAS (Duty free for gifts sent to the United Kingdom) affixed large wrapper from R.A.F Nassau dated June 9/43, Opened By Examiner 7693. £60
BAHAMAS postal history United States Consulate foolscap cover with red REGISTERED NASSAU C/DE 24 94 to Boston, fine wax seal. £95