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640 used PEARSTON, Cape of Good Hope postal history
dated A/AP 12 96 on 1d rate cover to P.O. Achter Sneewberg, some reverse damaga at base.

K3 "2" (handstamp II) used ST. GEORGE'S, Bermuda postal history
The short-lived K3 "2" duplex (Handstamp II) dated A/NO 20 80 on 50% top half cover to Warwick West b/stamped Hamilton B/NO 20 80 and very poor K3a "8" arrival.
This elusive Handstamp II recorded OC 21 1880 to DE 22 1880

207 used KENILWORTH, Cape of Good Hope postal history
on QV 1d on 1½d Post Card to Earls Court, London dated 4/OC 22 98, light toning.

POA 57, Natal postal history
tying KE7 ½d on NORWEGIAN col. ppc of the future King Haakon VII and Queen Maud (coronation 22 June 1906) addressed Stanger showing Pietersmaritzburg FE 15 06 transit, text includes the word "Eshowe".
The Norwegian Missionary Society founded its first permanent mission station north of the Tugela in the 1840’s.

POA 64, Natal postal history
Cape Gov't Railways col. ppc headed "Subeni, Zululand" mailed with pair KE7 ½d to Abbey Wood, Kent, alongside VRYHEID AU 21 09 d/ring.

POA 90, Natal postal history
chrome ppc headed "Winkle Spruit P.O. 31/8/05" mailed with KE7 ½d to Stanger.

POA 80, Natal postal history
tying pair QV ½d on cover to Wexford, Ireland, b/stamped Durban 2 JU 1900, both cover and adhesives toned.

8 used DOUGLAS, Cape of Good Hope postal history
dated SP 5 01 on 1d rate censored cover to Cape Town, piece of top and flap removed on opening, some perf. toning.

8 used DOUGLAS, Cape of Good Hope postal history
dated AU 22 98 on QV 4d PSRE with added twelve x 1d (SG.59a) to Port Elizabeth, fine N.E. T.P.O. AU 24 98 cds, toning on address panel.

178 used MARENGO, New South Wales postal history
cover with 2 x QV 2d to Hobart, Tasmania dated OC 13 1904 with handstruck "TOO-LATE".

30, Orange River Colony postal history
on CGH "ONE PENNY" on QV 1½d ovp'd "O.R.C." Post Card to Germany with design pmk'd DEWETSDORP 22 JUL 1905 d/ring, reverse headed "Kassel via Dewetsdorp".

30, Orange River Colony postal history
on KE7 1d PSE with added V.R.I. 2d (SG.114) to Germany, b/stamped DEWETSDORP 19 NO 04.

POA 95, Natal postal history:
tying QV 1d (SG.99a) on cover to Ormesby, Norfolk, b/stamped LADYSMITH C/5 JY 00 d/ring and Great Yarmouth JY 28 00 cds.

A66 used PORT MARIA, Jamaica postal history
tying "TWO PENCE/HALF PENNY" on QV 4d red-brown (SG.30) with "HALF.-" variety (looks like "HALE) on cover to Scotland b/stamped Port Maria FE 1 91, New York FE 18 91 and Dundee MR 2 91, toning, small part flap removed. Village covers for this issue seldom encountered.

997 used MIDDELBURG, Cape of Good Hope postal history
on cover dated C/AU 31 96 with horiz. pair, strip of three ½d (SG.48a) to London re-addressed Munich, Bavaria, one stamp defective.

824 used BURGERSDORP, Cape of Good Hope postal history
contrary to regulations as without despatch datestamp on QV ½d Post Card written 4 Jan 94 to Paarl showing A/AP 6 91 arrival.

215 used MALMESBURY, Cape of Good Hope postal history
dated A/FE 20 83 on 2d rate cover, with original enclosure, to Cape Town.

POA 3 plus LADYSMITH skeleton, Natal postal history
transit cancel dated FE 20 1909 on QV 1d Post Card pmk'd P.O.A. 3 written P.O. Sunkelsdrift addressed Berlin, Germany.

594 used LADISMITH, Cape of Good Hope postal history
on 1d rate cover dated NO 4 01 to Cape Town.

POA 23 used P.O. LILIENTHAL, Natal postal history
tying KE7 1½d on col. ppc of "A Native Homestead" to Germany re-addressed France showing Dalton and Pitermaritzburg AP 15 11 transits.
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