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Country: Jamaica Clear
Subject: Numeral cancels Clear

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C38 used CALLAO, PERU to JAMAICA postal history:
A UNIQUE FRANKING TO JAMAICA combination cover with Peru 1868-72 1d green, GB QV 6d pale buff (assumed Plate 11), GB QV 1/- green Plate 6 (SG.Z43, Z53) tied Callao "C38" cancels addressed John Small, Port Maria, Jamaica with 3-line PANAMA/3 AP 1873/TRANSIT plus pencilled "2" on face, b/stamped A/CALLAO/MR 26 73, Kingston IIIA/AP 8 73 and Port Maria C/AP 9 73 cds. Cover soiled with peripheral base tear and GB QV 6d with pale colour.
This Peru 1 dinero was cancelled "C38" from stocks held at the British Packet Agencies to comply with the tax on all outgoing mail.

A47 used HOPE BAY, Jamaica postal history
1888 cover to Kingston with QV 2d slate (SG.22a) tied "A47" with HOPE-BAY A/7 MR (88) and Kingston MR 8 88 sqc arrival on reverse, some toning.

KINGSTON, Jamaica postal history
1868 cover with QV 1d, 2d Pine wmk issues pmk'd "A01" b/stamped Kingston C/JA 27 68 to Vere.

A66 used PORT MARIA, Jamaica postal history
tying "TWO PENCE/HALF PENNY" on QV 4d red-brown (SG.30) with "HALF.-" variety (looks like "HALE) on cover to Scotland b/stamped Port Maria FE 1 91, New York FE 18 91 and Dundee MR 2 91, toning, small part flap removed. Village covers for this issue seldom encountered.

A76 used SPANISH TOWN, Jamaica postal history
Type H on vertical strip of four QV 2d pale rose Pine wmk (SG.2) on miniature entire (111x52mm) dated C/AP 1 61 internally to Mandeville P.O., one stamp with clipped corner.