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SHAHJAHANPUR, India postal history
1876 reg. cover to Shazipoor with QV 1a, 2a, 4a tied SHAHJAHANPUR A-19 duplex dated JAN 16 (76), various backstamps and wax seal.

RATLAM, India postal history
QV ½anna PSE with added QV ½anna strip of four, pair, two singles tied 13/A-20 numerals with framed REGISTERED RATLAM handstamp and RUTLAM 12 JAN and BOMBAY JAN 14 cds, opened for display, edge faults.

INDIA postal history:
1858 mourning cover front and top flap marked via Marseilles to c/o General Ian James Douglas K.C.B. at Clifton, Bristol with QV ½ anna pale blue pair and two singles plus QV 4 anna black/blue paper tied "94" obliterators with red BOMBAY JY 3 1856 transit displaying on flap, cover edge faults.