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INDIA to BRITISH HONDURAS full printed content Aerogramme from THE STAR, a world famous spiritual society headed by His Holiness Swami Meshwaranandan of KABUL pmk'd 21.2.71. £48
RATLAM, India postal history QV ½anna PSE with added QV ½anna strip of four, pair, two singles tied 13/A-20 numerals with framed REGISTERED RATLAM handstamp and RUTLAM 12 JAN and BOMBAY JAN 14 cds, opened for display, edge faults. £60
SHIKOHABAD and LASHKAR, GWALIOR STATE, India postal history 1894 use of East India QV ¼ anna REPLY CARD portion pmk'd SHIKOHABAD JL 15 (94) sqc with LASHKAR, GWALIOR STATE 16 JL 94 cds alongside address panel. £16
Bus drivers on strike!, BERMUDA to India postal history 1955 (AU 15) use of KG6 6d Air Letter up-rated with mixed reign QE2 3d for Kurla, Bombay, India, newsy full letter mentioning bus drivers on strike for second time in two months for 7/- and hour. £75