OFFICIAL LETTER ST. VINCENT PREMIER to GERALD FORD AT THE WHITE HOUSE, WASHINGTON The duplicate letter (in case original lost or damaged) as carried to the White House for the presentation of the Presidents of America bicentennial issue. Carried flat, without envelope by the St. Vincent delegation £500
CRYPTIC HAND-DRAWN COVER TO THE PRESIDENT OF THE U.S.A., Barbados postal history 1968 airmail cover with hand-drawn and coloured steamship marked "Wup" to Prestiment Johnson (sic), United States, U.S.A. with QE2 25c coral pmk'd CHRIST CHURCH 14 NO 68 showing small red NOV 16 arrival on address panel, sender address on reverse. Lyndon Baines Johnson was the 36th President of the USA 1963 to 1969 taking office after the Kennedy assassination.