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"V" day, Meikles shop celebrates with "a dummy of Hitler in a real coffin", Rhodesia postal history
1945 use of 3d Victoria Falls ACTIVE SERVICE AIR LETTER headed "V" day!!! Tuesday 8th May pmk'd GWELO 8 MAY 45 to F/Lt E. Thompson, No.2. E.V.T. Instructors School, R.A.F. Middle East from his very worried and loving wife with salutation "My own adorable little Welsh Husband" with contents including "listening to London last night when we heard the news flash - it seems almost too good to be true" and "we shall listen to Mr. Churchill at 3, and again to the King at 9 o'clock". There is mention of "Gwelo looking "quite gay" with flags flying everywhere", and that Meikles Window for "V" day is lined with black crepe and they have "obtained a real "coffin" in which they have placed a dummy of Hitler". An exceptional end of war item for the KG6 collector; a Waterfalls thematic collector; and a sensational item for anyone exhibiting Postal Stationery.
VE Day stands for Victory in Europe Day which took place on Tuesday May 8, 1945, VE Day was the day on which the allied forces announced the surrender of Germany in Europe. It marked the end of Adolf Hitler's war and sparked celebrations around the world. The day before at 2.41pm on May 7, 1945 Germany had surrendered. This special Active service Letter Card was for use by servicemen, and civilian use was forbidden and any such usage resulted in surcharge.

Zululand correspondence (November 27, 1905 mentions Poll Tax leading to the BAMBATHA REBELLION
Fred Boyce letter written Mangeni mentions "how pleased I will be to get the photos. I should like one of your Ian in uniform. The property on which we hold 4 claims each has been taken over by a developing syndicate. They intend going down 200 ft and if the reef is as good at that depth as it is at the surface they will float at once. The Poll Tax here has caused great dissatisfaction among all classes. The natives here have refused to pay. There may be trouble when the tax is collected (or tried to be collected rather). The natives have lost all confidence in the Govt which is rotten. Getting ready for a prospecting trip. Pegging off is the order of the day now in Zululand. Copper is all the rage".
8th letter correspondences of Fred Boyce and Lorraine Wilson Boyce JU 10 1905 - DE 11 1907 (none have outer covers).