BY ONWARD OVERSEAS SPECIAL DELIVERY, Jamaica postal history (in covers for convenience) 1969 piece with pair 6d cricket and U.S. 30c SPECIAL DELIVERY tied Kingston machine dated 3 MAY 1968, rarely encountered as such. £30
GREAT GUANA CAY ABACO, Bahamas postal history 1978 cover to Nassau with QE2 5c fish pmk'd GREAT GUANA CAY, ABACO purple TRD dated MAY 26 1978. £12
2d postage due handstamp, Sierra Leone postal history struck alongside "T" tax handstamp on QE2 3d (SG.214) cover pmk'd 2 (AP?) 58 to Feltham, Middlesex. Walton unrecorded, Proud records one example of use dated JA 15 24. £65
ROTIFUNK, Sierra Leone postal history (138.05) */7 MR 60 on QE2 2d x 2, 6d, 1/- cover to Leicester, blue "Rotifunk" reg. label. £65
LUNGI, Sierra Leone postal history (088.03) */23 JA 60 tying QE2 3d (SG.214) on stationery "No.16" cover locally to New England. £75
SONGO, Sierra Leone postal history (128.04) */5 JY 60 tying QE2 3d,6d,1/- added QE2 6d PSRE to Leicester, blue SONGO reg. label. No examples 128.04 recorded by Walton, Proud records */7 OC 60 (D5) single date. £175
YUNDUM AIRPORT, Gambia postal history */26 JY 65 on First Airmail from Yundum Airport with QE2 4d, 6d (reverse), 1/3d to Scotland, blue BATH reg. label, reverse GAMBIA FIELD FORCE sender's h/stamp. £75
YUNDUM AIRPORT to NORTHERN NIGERIA, Gambia postal history */9 MR 66 tying design QE2 7½d AIR LETTER to Samaru, Zaria, Northern Nigeria, scarce early commercial use from airport with mention of seeing Quarantine procedures and pathology whilst visiting Nigeria. £65
GBOYAMA, Sierra Leone postal history (044.01) */25 AU 58 tying vertical pair QE2 1/- (SG.217) on cover to Bradford, m/script "Gboyama" blue reg. label. Very rare office. £90
B O., Sierra Leone postal history (016.05) */23 MY 56 on mixed reign KG6 1/3d, QE2 4d, 6d reg. "Express Delivery" cover to London. 1/3d airmail postage, 4d reg. fee, 6d Express Delivery fee £40
TABE and FREETOWN-BO T.P.O. combination franking, Sierra Leone postal history most unusual combination of TABE (149.01) dated FE 4 56 (slugs inverted) tying QE2 1/- and FREETOWN-BO T.P.O. (202.03) tying QE2 3d added QE2 4d PSRE to Saxone Shoe, England. Boxed TABE reg. h/stamp (m/script assisted) and senders address of Asst. Stationmaster, Tabe. £125
LUNGI skeleton, Sierra Leone postal history (088.02) on full cover dated */22 JY 59, reverse sender's address of "Freetown Airport, Lungi". Rarely available. £90