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Newly discovered unused copy affixed plain grey stock unaddressed envelope with printed and perforated QV 1d in greyish-black (Keyplate style, no shading behind both lighthouse and sailing ship), slightly rounded lower left corner perf.

ANTIGUA (bogus) postal history
Newly discovered home-made wrapper with printed and perforated QV 1d in greyish-black (Keyplate style, no shading behind both lighthouse and sailing ship) tied "A02" to a Mr Frederick Young, last heard of in Canterbury Settlement, care of Messrs. John White Villet & Sons, Parliament Street, Liverpool, England, peripheral faults.

EKUTULENI, Natal postal history
Previously unrecorded d/ring with maltese cross at base dated 21 FEB 13 on Natal KE7 1d UPU Post Card with same day MELMOTH, ZULULAND transit to Klefoa, Sweden, full text.
Head Office MELMOTH, previously named SITEKU (office opened 1910), renamed EKUTULENI (OC 1 1911).

PD in oval, ST. VINCENT postal history (Ex FORSYTH)
Newly discovered FIRST RECORDED USE OF THE "PD" IN OVAL IN BLACK INK USED AS A "KILLER" ON ENTIRE: 1878 wrapper from George Robertson, St. Vincent to Messrs. Charles W. Gray, London with QV 1/- vermilion P.11 to 12½ x 15 (SG.24) tied by black "PD" in oval (PML.83) with matching ink colour ST. VINCENT AU 9 78 despatch plus red London Paid 28 (AU 78) arrival on address panel, adhesive crossed by filing fold and may have been lifted for inspection, recipient's purple notes on address panel include "Trouble with Rose Bank machinery". (Ex FORSYTH lot 562)
Similar purple ink recipient notes on this correspondence to Charles Gray show that letters were posted from Kingstown which was using the horiz. "A10" (PML.4) at this time but had changed from red to black ink mid-1878 as per illustrations JU 18 78 and AU 8 78; and this next day use may indicate late mail accepted into the Post Office.

BOOK-POST rate INDIA to JAMAICA postal history
1955 cover pmk'd Calcutta 9 III 55 with previously unrecorded boxed purple RETURN TO SENDER/FROM KINGSTON, JAMAICA handstamp (with "NAMES" instead of "NO POST OFFICE NAMED). Filing punch holes at base, reverse return backstamps of R.L.O. 31 MA 55 and Bare Bazar 16 JNE 1955.

EARLIEST KNOWN USE OF A ST. VINCENT STAMP and a first sailing date of use
(Placed in POSTAL HISTORY section for convenience): This QV 1d rose-red Perf. 14 to 16 (SG.1) in the accepted paler shade of colour of the first printing, as mentioned PML handbook Page 27, came from the first delivery invoiced from London on 27 March 1861 (56,040 stamps plus 10,020 6d deep yellow-green, SG.2) with expected arrival on 8 April 1861. These adhesives were seemingly not immediately unpacked as known covers of AP 9 61 and AP 24 1861 to the UK are cancelled with the red “PAID AT ST. VINCENT” pre-stamp handstamp. The Stanley Gibbons catalogue lists 8 May 1861 for issue date of the two denominations, which may be true. This 1d adhesive was cancelled by horizontal “A10” (PML.1) on the 8th, 9th or 10th for the 10 May 1861 sailing, and travelled on R.M.S.P. Teviot collecting BARBADOES dbl-arc arrival dated MY 11 1861 making this the EARLIEST KNOWN USE OF A ST. VINCENT STAMP and a first sailing date. The first known adhesive cover bears a strip of three QV 1d, pair QV 6d pmk’d JU 8 1861 addressed to Norfolk, Virginia and travelled in through New Orleans being possibly the finest known American Civil War blockade running cover. The second delivery of the QV 1d rose-red was not invoiced until 22 July 1862 (28,020 stamps), slight thinning.

RECEIVED/GPO FREETOWN/SCHED No....., Sierra Leone postal history
New Walton handbook unlisted (Type 711 group, see Page 120) dated II MR 49 on stampless OHMS GPO Freetown Reply portion to Ernest B. Blango, Dillet Street (named after former postmaster Joseph Dillet), Freetown with pencilled "Try Government Medical Store" with red OFFICIAL PAID (035.99) dated both */7 MR 49 and */10 MR 49 alongside address panel.
This instrument has continuous solid line after SCHED No and two examples of the same instrument can be viewed on the West Africa Study Circle website on Page 7 of the Frank Walton 1949 audit book.

1896 use of complete 2c carmine PSE locally to Hopetown, West Coast, Berbice pmk'd Georgetown and on reverse FORT WELLINGTON OC 10 96 d/ring opened 3 sides to show full intense offset of the printed design.
Not recorded in T+H handbook

HAMBURG-AMERIKA LINIE/ENE 7 1914/PUERTO MEXICO.-OFFICE purple oval agents arrival cachet on 2c Post Card pmk'd Mexico D.F. 5 ENE 14 to Sr. W.C. Barthman, Puerto Mexico, minor bends at left.
Unlisted in Michael Rego handbook

Confirmation new 6d rate with locally handstruck "6d", Jamaica postal history
entire headed "Duplicate. Kingston Jamaica 24th June 1854" pmk'd KINGSTON-JAMAICA JY 11 1854 dbl-arc to John Mathie, Stirling, North Britain rated manuscript "6" unpaid confirmed with handstruck "6d" which appears to be in matching ink colour. Red JY 31 1854 (applied London) and red circled M/NR (Morning, Northern Railway applied London) and STIRLING AU 1 1854 in paler black ink. Currently the only known example.
The new 6d rate per half ounce was introduced MR 23 1854. Three experts on UK postal history have been approached and their combined opinion is that the handstruck "6d" is not a British handstamp, and therefore most probably applied at Jamaica (a similar handstruck "6" is known on two ingoing unpaid Barbados entires)

"BIRDS SCATTERED BY FALLING MASONRY!" variety, Jamaica postal history
newly discovered plate variety on KG6 1/- on reg. cover to Leicester pmk'd WHITFIELD TOWN MR 1 55.
with normal enlargement for comparison

SALISBURY ST PRETORIA, Transvaal postal history
previously unrecorded office with mauve REGISTRATION OFFICE/19 MAR 1959/SALISBURY ST PRETORIA d/ring oval on reverse reg. cover to UK pmk'd CENTRAL/SENTRAAL/STR. PRETORIA 18 III 59 d/ring.

BETHANY (STATION excised) R.O., Orange River Colony
the tall letters cds (Putzel unlisted) dated SP 4 (00) on ½d Brief Kaart uprated with ½d for Germany, b/stamped Bloemfontein SP 4 19(00).
The BETHANY STATION R.O. sighting was taken from the Batten collection (still intact) where only the "S" was visible but a full strike on loose stamp shows it to be BETHANY SIDING R.O. The correction will appear in the Putzel addendum