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CANADA to BAHAMAS postal history
1917 cover to Nassau with Canada KGV 2c + 1c pmk'd Ottawa OC 5 17 with Bahamas 5d SPECIAL DELIVERY tied Nassau 21 OCT 17 cds.

full cover with U.S. Washington 3c pmk'd Benton Park Saint Louis JUL 2 1918 to the Bahamas with pmk'd 5d SPECIAL DELIVERY, b/stamped Nassau 17 JUL 18.

USA/BAHAMAS mixed currency franking
full cover pmk'd Miami MAR 18 1908, purple AUDIT OFFICE, BAHAMAS 16 APR 1908 cachet.

JERSEY, Channel Islands and ST. MALO, France combination postal history
1904 use of GB KE7 1d carmine UPU Post Card pmk'd JERSEY JA 13 04 with France 10c adhesive pmk'd ST. MALO 14 1 04 addressed to Orme, France showing 15 JANY 04 arrival.

C38 used CALLAO, PERU to JAMAICA postal history:
A UNIQUE FRANKING TO JAMAICA combination cover with Peru 1868-72 1d green, GB QV 6d pale buff (assumed Plate 11), GB QV 1/- green Plate 6 (SG.Z43, Z53) tied Callao "C38" cancels addressed John Small, Port Maria, Jamaica with 3-line PANAMA/3 AP 1873/TRANSIT plus pencilled "2" on face, b/stamped A/CALLAO/MR 26 73, Kingston IIIA/AP 8 73 and Port Maria C/AP 9 73 cds. Cover soiled with peripheral base tear and GB QV 6d with pale colour.
This Peru 1 dinero was cancelled "C38" from stocks held at the British Packet Agencies to comply with the tax on all outgoing mail.

Kegalla, CEYLON to London forwarded Zurich and Bernina-Hospiz, SWITZERLAND postal history
1909 cover to London with KE7 6c pmk'd KEGALLA B/JY 15 08 forwarded with GB KE7 1½d pmk'd London AU 4 99 to ZURICH arriving 5 VIII 09 and re-directed Bernina Hospiz arriving 7 VIII 09.

GREAT BRITAIN and CAPE OF GOOD HOPE "both ways" postal history
1902 mourning cover to De Beers, Somerset West, Cape Colony with Great Britain QV 3d Jubilee tied PADDINGTON AP 3 02, no arrival date but returned to the London Hospital, Whitechapel with strip of three, two singles ½d Hope pmk'd GPO Cape Town AP 23 02, no backstamps.
3d outgoing (presumed overpaid ½d) and 2½d return.

Combination NATAL and British Occupied ORANGE FREE STATE stamps used ORANGE RIVER COLONY
1900 used of "E. No. 708" blue stock NATAL GOVERNMENT RAILWAYS (deleted) foolscap cover marked "Regd", "60", "Fee Paid" to Serg. Major C. Stride, Dorset Yeomanry, Wimborne, Dorset with combination Natal block of ten QV 1d carmine and British Occupied OFS 2d purple ovp'd "V.R.I." and 2d pmk'd P.O.A. 107 obliterators, both stamps and adhesives with faults, reverse Wimborne DE 8 00 arrival.
The Orange Free State was formally annexed to the British Crown and renamed the Orange River Colony on 28 May 1900.

(in covers for convenience) 1969 piece with pair 6d cricket and U.S. 30c SPECIAL DELIVERY tied Kingston machine dated 3 MAY 1968, rarely encountered as such.

EMPIRE 1d rate with MALTA, GIBRALTAR combination
1902 cover to Devonport with Malta QV 1d carmine and Gibraltar QV 1d carmine both tied Gibraltar "A26" duplex dated SP 8 02, b/stamped Devonport SP 13 02 arrival.

TRIPOLI, Barbary Coast to France, MALTA postal history
1878 entire on Emile de Testa printed paper written headed in French "Tripoli 17 Mai 1878" to Paris, France taken to Malta with GB QV 2½d rosy-mauve Plate 10 pmk'd "A25" duplex dated C/MY 20 78 arriving 24 MAI 78.

1936 cover to Eastbourne College, England with Jamaica KGV 1½d chocolate pmk'd Mandeville AP 12 37 d/ring. On arrival in Eastbourne, Sussex forwarded to Taormina, Sicily with pair contemporary GB KE7 ½d green pmk'd 27 APR 1937 with 25c green Postage Due tied 1-5 37.
The KG6 issues not released until 10 May 1937.

BARBADOS postal history
1903 cover to Warminster, England with most unusual and accepted mixed country and mixed currency franking of Barbados 1d and British Guiana 2c tied BARBADOS A/JY 4 03 cds, Bath and Warminster backstamps.

CONFUSED TOURISTS: GREAT BRITAIN and BERMUDA postal history combination
1932 cover from confused tourists staying at The New St. George Hotel, St. George's, Bermuda addressed Oakland, California with Bermuda 2½d Caravel placed over pair Great Britain KGV 1½d tied ST. GEORGES 23 FEB 32 cds.

JAMAICA postal history
1939 cover with Jamaica Fruit & Shipping Co. Ltd, Kingston senders address marked "via St. Thomas, V.I." to Chicago, Illinois with Jamaica KG6 ½d, pair 1d carried on the first leg by m/s "ERRIA" and red crayon cancelled by the purser with second leg using U.S. Virgin Islands 3c pmk'd Charlotte Amalie "1" duplex dated JAN 14 1939.
A rare two countries combination to destination.

BERMUDA to ST. LUCIA postal history
1933 (FE 9) underpaid "Panton" (name erased) cover to Castries with ¼d Caravel pmk'd PAGET, tax handstamp and St. Lucia 2d Postage Due added and tied 15 FE 33 cds.

1938 reg. cover to Noumea, New Caledonia with Guadeloupe 40c, 1f 75c pmk'd Basseterre 18 OCT 38 arriving Noumea 20 DEC 38 (backstamp), re-directed to the French Consul, Sydney, New South Wales with Nouvelle Caledonie 50c, 2f pmk'd Noumea 16 FEVR 39 showing 23 FEB 39 arrival (backstamp). An exceptional combination of countries.

Combination BERMUDA and ST. LUCIA postal history
c1932 underpaid combination cover with Canadian Government Merchant Marine Ltd/(flag) flap with Bermuda 1d Caravel and St. Lucia KGV 2d to Sheffield, Massachusetts, tax handstamps.

SPAIN/GIBRALTAR combination requiring Forwarding Agent, Gibraltar postal history (Ex MOELLER)
1873 entire headed "Cadiz 20th June 1873" to Poole, England with "p. Archbold Johnston & Power Gibraltar 24 June 1873" manuscript forwarding on reverse with GB QV 2d strip of three affixed and pmk'd "A26" with GIBRALTAR A/JU 24 73. No Spanish charge as sent in another cover to Gibraltar from Cadiz. Very rare as such, Ex MOELLER.
The Carlist Civil War caused intermittent interruptions to the overland route to the UK, and the maritime route from Gibraltar became a more reliable alternative but required the use of a Forwarding Agent in Gibraltar. (Of the Gibraltar/Spain adhesive combination covers currently seen 15 are ingoing to Cadiz, and only 4 are outgoing, all to Malta).

GB used abroad at CALLAO, PERU postal history (Ex DALE LICHTENSTEIN)
1876 cover to Cumnock, Ayrshire with Peru 1d green (creased) and w/marginal pair GB QV 9d pale straw Plate 4 (SG.Z50, Cat.£400) pmk'd Callao "C38" with blue COLVILLE & Co, CALLAO sender's cachet dated OCT 14 1876 alongside address panel, reverse with A/CALLAO/OC 14 76 and CUMNOCK A/NO 13 76 arrival, some peripheral faults and damaged flap. Ex DALE LICHTENSTEIN
This Peru 1 dinero was cancelled "C38" from stocks held at the British Packet Agencies to comply with the tax on all outgoing mail.
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