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Newly discovered unused copy affixed plain grey stock unaddressed envelope with printed and perforated QV 1d in greyish-black (Keyplate style, no shading behind both lighthouse and sailing ship), slightly rounded lower left corner perf.

Aftermath wreck of Rennie steamer "Waldensian", Natal postal history
1866 piece with QV 6d Chalon pmk'd Pietermaritzburg JAN xx 1863, taken by the "L'Imperatice Eugenie" from Durban on JA 11 1863 as far as Port Elizabeth, the mails then taken overland to Cape Town, showing the PAID/DEVONPORT/CAPE PACKET/28 FE 63 arrival and portion red crayon "4".
The Waldensian" sailing from Durban was wrecked en route to Cape Town on 13 October 1862, the saved mail taken overland from Somerset West to Cape Town.

BARBADOS stamps:
SG UNLISTED 1855-57 diagonally bisected imperforate (1d) deep blue (SG.10a) tied to printed matter piece by Bridgetown "1" obliterator with matching ink colour BARBADOES AP 25 1859 double-arc alongside, further portion of another obliterator at right shows a full (1d) stamp removed for a triple rate, reverse shows (Page) 258. The missing adhesive adds to the authenticity of the piece, and the dbl-arc shows the dent at base as found on full covers for the period.
(Listed under covers for convenience): The Edmund Bayley handbook (Page 27) states: There is only one recorded copy of the deep blue (1d) stamp bisected vertically joined to a whole stamp on part of a newspaper, which bears the "1" numerical cancellation and is dated OC 21 1857. This copy is in the Royal Philatelic Collection. (The bisected 1860 (1d) pin-perf. issues, without datestamps, are catalogued £750.00 on piece).

EARLIEST KNOWN USE OF A ST. VINCENT STAMP and a first sailing date of use
(Placed in POSTAL HISTORY section for convenience): This QV 1d rose-red Perf. 14 to 16 (SG.1) in the accepted paler shade of colour of the first printing, as mentioned PML handbook Page 27, came from the first delivery invoiced from London on 27 March 1861 (56,040 stamps plus 10,020 6d deep yellow-green, SG.2) with expected arrival on 8 April 1861. These adhesives were seemingly not immediately unpacked as known covers of AP 9 61 and AP 24 1861 to the UK are cancelled with the red “PAID AT ST. VINCENT” pre-stamp handstamp. The Stanley Gibbons catalogue lists 8 May 1861 for issue date of the two denominations, which may be true. This 1d adhesive was cancelled by horizontal “A10” (PML.1) on the 8th, 9th or 10th for the 10 May 1861 sailing, and travelled on R.M.S.P. Teviot collecting BARBADOES dbl-arc arrival dated MY 11 1861 making this the EARLIEST KNOWN USE OF A ST. VINCENT STAMP and a first sailing date. The first known adhesive cover bears a strip of three QV 1d, pair QV 6d pmk’d JU 8 1861 addressed to Norfolk, Virginia and travelled in through New Orleans being possibly the finest known American Civil War blockade running cover. The second delivery of the QV 1d rose-red was not invoiced until 22 July 1862 (28,020 stamps), slight thinning.

YORK & LANCASTER REGIMENT, Barbados postal history
1890 (trace of postmark) portion of a Soldiers Letter with QV 1d (SG.92) tied by open bootheel.
The York & Lancaster Regiment was a line of infantry regiment officially formed in 1881 through the amalgamation of the 65th and the 84th Regiment of Foot during the Childers Reforms

696 used LADY GREY ALIWAL NORTH DIV., Cape of Good Hope postal history
QV 1d Reply Post Card portion dated 2 AU 95 to Coppenbrugge, Germany

K3 "2" (handstamp II) used ST. GEORGE'S, Bermuda postal history
The short-lived K3 "2" duplex (Handstamp II) dated A/NO 20 80 on 50% top half cover to Warwick West b/stamped Hamilton B/NO 20 80 and very poor K3a "8" arrival.
This elusive Handstamp II recorded OC 21 1880 to DE 22 1880

A76 used SPANISH TOWN, Jamaica postal history
(Type O) in blue ink indistinctly tying QV 2d Crown CC (SG.9) on OHMS Royal Arms stationery cover to Kingston dated B/JY 22 80. On arrival ADVERTISED, UNCLAIMED with RETURNED LETTER BRANCH 18 AU 80 handstamps.
Only one other blue ink numeral cover recorded - from Port Antonio with A64 dated JA 25 1878.

GILLETS, Natal postal history
(M.4.1) in purple dated OC 2 02 on pictorial views QV 1d Post Card to Kirkcaldy.

178 used MARENGO, New South Wales postal history
cover with 2 x QV 2d to Hobart, Tasmania dated OC 13 1904 with handstruck "TOO-LATE".

POA 95, Natal postal history:
tying QV 1d (SG.99a) on cover to Ormesby, Norfolk, b/stamped LADYSMITH C/5 JY 00 d/ring and Great Yarmouth JY 28 00 cds.

A66 used PORT MARIA, Jamaica postal history
tying "TWO PENCE/HALF PENNY" on QV 4d red-brown (SG.30) with "HALF.-" variety (looks like "HALE) on cover to Scotland b/stamped Port Maria FE 1 91, New York FE 18 91 and Dundee MR 2 91, toning, small part flap removed. Village covers for this issue seldom encountered.

824 used BURGERSDORP, Cape of Good Hope postal history
contrary to regulations as without despatch datestamp on QV ½d Post Card written 4 Jan 94 to Paarl showing A/AP 6 91 arrival.

POA 3 plus LADYSMITH skeleton, Natal postal history
transit cancel dated FE 20 1909 on QV 1d Post Card pmk'd P.O.A. 3 written P.O. Sunkelsdrift addressed Berlin, Germany.

HIGH-FLATS, Natal postal history
(N) dated SP 25 02 on QV 1d (SG.99a) cover to Chippenham, Wilts.

DALTON, Natal postal history
(M.2) dated D/AP 19 1901 on QV 1d (SG.99a) cover to Liverpool, some opening tears at left.

1338 used LADY GREY A.N., Cape of Good Hope postal history
on QV 1d PSE dated AP 19 01.

GROUTVILLE, Natal postal history
(M.1) dated B/DE 2 95 on QV 2½d rate cover to Akron, Ohio, opened 3 sides and flap removed.

POA 29, Natal postal history
on QV 1d rate cover to Esidumbini Mission Station, Upper Tongaat, b/stamped UMZINTO 30 8 92, Durbam M/AU 30 92, Tongaat 31 8 92, flap opening tear extends into face at top.

1900 (MR 25) BOER WAR - 512 used RICHMOND ROAD, Cape of Good Hope postal history
cover from "Pt. W. H(alfhide) W 7796" marked "On Active Service" mailed with GB QV 1d lilac MR 25 00 to Hampshire, reverse WARE AP 15 00 arrival. Flap slightly reduced along top, and opened a little roughly on second side at right.
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