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1952 cover with KG6 1c, 2 x 2c pmk'd Georgetown */7 JA 52 to the Philaletic (sic) Traders Society, London with 24 John Adams Street address added, re-directed Tottenham Court Road, and finally directed to The Strand, rare use of red handstamp "DELAYED THROUGH BEING/POSTED IN A LETTER BOX/FOR 'LONDON' LETTERS./PLEASE ADVISE SENDER" added in London, backstamped London FE 18, and FE 19 (twice) cancels.

BERMUDA postal history
1937 (JY 6) illustrated cover to the Belmont Manor and Golf Club in Bermuda with U.S. 3c pmk'd PRES. COOLIDGE SEA POST duplex with "DELAYED BY STRIKE" and Postage Due 2 CENTS str. lines with handstruck "1d" due added on arrival.

BERMUDA postal history
1951 Masters Limited underpaid stampless window envelope pmk'd Hamilton 8 OCT 1951 with ARMY AIR FORCE POSTAL SERVICE 9 OC transit backstamp plus New York 2c Due, various RETURN TO SENDER handstamps with red Bermuda CENTIMES duplex appended "6" and KG6 1½d added for postage due tied ST. GEORGES 12 OCT 51, various backstamps.

BERMUDA postal history
1949 Mid-Oceans News unfranked within town cover to the Leamington Plantation Company pmk'd Hamilton machine 25 NOV 1949 with boxed green ink "Returned for (1½d) Postage" and KG6 1½d added for postage due pmk'd Hamilton 28 NOV 49.

BERMUDA postal history
1943 Lightbourn & Co cover to Bishop Auckland, England with KG6 7½d (defective) pmk'd Hamilton 25 FEB 43 with red handstruck boxed "Returned for (1/1½d) Postage" deleted when KG6 1½d, 1/- affixed the next day for postage due and pmk'd Hamilton 26 FEB 43, censor label C/8148 at left.

1960 opened-out printed AIR MAIL envelope with both oval Royal Coat-of-Arms on flap and "CODE No. 23-31." alongside to Foyles Book Shop, London with QE2 3d pmk'd Salisbury 28 DEC 60, red 5-line "Authorised for Transmission/by Air Mail at Concessional/Rate./U.K.S.L.S. (Army Element), Salisbury, Southern Rhodesia" handstamp.

BICKERSTETH, Jamaica postal history
1991 cover to Mandeville P.O. with pair 25c fish pmk'd BICKERSTETH FE 25 91 with large purple "MISSENT" and reverse with JONES TOWN POST OFFICE purple TRD dated 28 FEB 1991.

INVALID STAMPS USED, Rhodesia postal history
1965 used of Air Letter to Totnes, Devon with QE2 2/6d Independence issue tied bot SALISBURY 22 DEC 1965 and large green boxed "INVALID STAMPS USED/POSTAGE DUE" appended manuscript 2/6d, sender address on reverse with lengthy printed internal text.

BRITISH GUIANA postal history
1958(?) cover to Bodmin, Cornwall with QE2 5c pair, 6c pmk'd 23 MY with purple "NOT IN THE AIR MAIL." and 3-line "Insufficient Postage for/transmission by/Air Mail." handstamps.

BARBADOS postal history
1937 unsealed rate cover to Marine Hotel, Hastings with ½d Badge pmk'd III MAR 1937 machine cancel, purple 5-line handstamp "YOUR POSTMAN'S ROUTE IS/CHRIST CHURCH NO. 14/Please include it as part of your Address, and ask on correspond/dents to do so (Proud Type 145).

BARBADOS postal history
1953 Fishery Products 4-colour combination foolscap cover to Bridgetown with Canada 7c pmk'd St. John's, Newfoundland, tax handstamps and 1c pair, 2c (fault), 6c Postage Dues added pmk'd GPO REGISTRATION dated 28 DE 53.

1935 cover to the Ursaline Convent, Barbados with USA 20c Airmail pmk'd WALL ST. STA. dated FEB 1 1935, on arrival bluish 5-line instructional handstamp "YOUR POSTMAN'S ROUTE IS/BRIDGETOWN No.15/Please include it as part of your Address, and ask your correspon/dents to do so." (Proud Type 145, this being the only recorded date for No.15 instruction).

MALTA postal history
1860 wrapper to Marseilles with GB QV 4d strip of three (fault) pmk'd A/MALTA/AU 11 60 "A25" duplex paying the scarce 1/- rate with oval "P-D." in black.

BULL BAY, Jamaica postal history
1897 QV ½d Post Card from L.O. Chitty, Inspector of Schools to The Teacher of Harbour Head School, Kingston with printed text re forthcoming inspection pmk'd Kingston Street Letter Box F/NO 2 97 marked blue crayon "Unclaimed" and "Bull Bay" with partly fine BULL-BAY NO 9 97 cds and eventual RETURNED/LETTER/BRANCH/25 DE 97/KINGSTON alongside address panel.

ANTIGUA postal history
1903 underpaid cover front to Funchal, Madeira with Leeward KE7 1d pmk'd ANTIGUA AP 22 03 showing tax handstamps and handstruck "1 30" due, plenty of character and most unusual destination. A liitle gem.

Port Antonio, JAMAICA to FRANCE postal history
1853 entire to Orleans, France re-directed to Charing Cross, London rated 1/2 with framed red "POSTAGE NOT PAID/TO LONDON" despatched with PORT-ANTONIO dbl-arc (P3) dated MY 6 1853. Lengthy content from John Richards describing the discovery of "copper well interspersed with silver" found on one of his properties and "strong indications of Black Lead" on another. The letter goes on to describe the boom in mining and exploration - "The Parish of Portland seems to be one vast lump of mineral worth, every day brings a new discovery".

BRITISH GUIANA postal history
3-line "By Air/From British Guiana/To New York." (T+H Type 2, Proud AM17) in red in on KG6 4c, 6c, 36c cover to Gowrock, Scotland pmk'd AIR MAIL 28 MY 43, cellophane EXAMINED BY 4413 attached.
T+H only records in red ink, period of general use MY 15 37 to NO 11 44 per Proud handbook

TOO LATE used KINGSTON, Jamaica postal history
1868 worm-eaten edged cover open most of 3 sides b/stamped Kingston C/AU 10 68 to Richard Hill, Spanish Town showing TOO LATE (TL3, LRD) and Spanish Town A/AU 11 68 clear of address panel, flap with printed blue buckled DAT CURA COMMODUM (carefulness bestows profit). The absence of adhesive or manuscript postal charge being usual on official correspondence mailed within the island.

AR, Sierra Leone postal history
(716.02) alongside KG6 6d, 1/- tied REGISTERED G.P.O. oval dated 12 JU 42 on censored cover to Old Hill, England.

RETURNED FOR/POSTAL ADDRESS, Jamaica postal history
(Proud Type 173, ERD) on QV ½d Reply Post Card (reverse blank) pmk'd KINGSTON 3D/FE 26 90 sqc from Capt. Clark to a George D'Pass with text reading "I leave today for Buff Bay and to leave next week for Kingston. What you have for me save for me. I been laying here six days now and would take to rum quickly". He obviously did as with no postal address.
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