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JAMAICA postal history
1912 Hotel Titchfield printed flap cover to San Antonio, Texas with 2½d Arms of Colony tied PASADENA, California duplex, alongside purple 2-line "Received inside a circular/at Pasadena, Cal.", an unusual explanation for mail pmk'd elsewhere.

OFFICIAL PAID not accepted, Returned For Postage, Bermuda postal history
1951 OHMS foolscap airmail cover with Civil Aviation Department, Bermuda sender's address to G.A. Osborn, Air Traffic Control, Dusseldorf Airport, Germany initially posted Hamilton 9 JUL machine supported with red BERMUDA-OFFICIAL/PAID handstamp being subsequently deleted in red crayon with boxed red "Returned for/(1/6) Postage.", three KG6 6d added and pmk'd Hamilton 12 JUL 51 with FIELD POST OFFICE 893 d/ring dated 18 JY 51 as arrival backstamp.
The authoritative Geoffrey Osborn formed one of the very best postal history collections of Bermuda.

INAGUA, Bahamas postal history
1903 use of KE7 1d UPU Post Card with full German text headed "17.9.03" pmk'd INAGUA SP 18 without year to Lubeck, Germany re-directed to Charlottenberg with handstamped and 14.10.03 pmk'd label affixed which translates "Not determined, confirmed P.A.I. Charlottenburg" and "Work of reference, recognised" (Nachschlagewerke eingesehen), unusual.

SPENCER'S POINT, Bahamas postal history
1912 cover addressed by local hand to a logging camp with KE7 1d pmk'd Nassau 16 APR 12 showing very fine SPENCER'S POINT (T.7, D2) 28 APR 12 arrival cds, two strikes of handstruck "UNCLAIMED" in purple and blank ink (each 39 x 5mm, same instrument).

NEW SOUTH WALES postal history
1876 cover to New Haven, Connecticut, USA with QV 6d pale lilac pmk'd Sydney B/JA 14 76 with handstruck red circled "PAID ALL" (with fleurons applied Sydney) showing San Francisco FEB 14 transit, no arrival backstamp.
The Postal Convention of FE 1 1874 between USA and NSW established the use of PAID ALL handstamps at Sydney on mail to San Francisco. Queensland and Victoria did the same when their conventions became effective in 1876 and 1879. Their use continued until the Colonies joined the UPU in 1891.

NEW SOUTH WALES postal history
1878 double rate cover to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA with QV 1/- black pmk'd Sydney C/FE 28 1878 with handstruck oval purple "PAID ALL" showing red San Francisco MAR 28 transit, b/stamped APR 4 arrival.
The Postal Convention of FE 1 1874 between USA and NSW established the use of PAID ALL handstamps at Sydney on mail to San Francisco. Queensland and Victoria did the same when their conventions became effective in 1876 and 1879. Their use continued until the Colonies joined the UPU in 1891.

1887 use of Colombia 2c black/buff Post Card with full text headed "Nov 7 1887" to Buenos Aires, Argentina showing despatch, arrival and transit marks including handstruck JAMAICA/TRANSIT ("A" below middle of "M") supported by Kingston DE 5 87 sqc, some faults.

1937 (AP 9) KGV 2c pair underpaid franking from Georgetown most unusually addressed by the sender to three locations arriving Paris (AP 28) with 1fr due added and re-directed MY 10 to London (MY 13) with GB 1d due tied MY 15 37, various tax marks, return to sender, unknown additions as expected for a cover attracting postage dues in two differing countries.

FRANCE postal history
1970's Hotel Edison, New York airmail cover used in France to Japan, some soiling etc.

BARBADOS postal history
1931 U.S. 2c PSE pmk'd West Chester, Pennsylvania (AP 14) to Kingston, Jamaica and returned (AP 30), marked "Try Bridgetown, Barbados" arriving JU 2 31 with eventual "UNCLAIMED" handstamp, marked with "RETURN TO SENDER" (OC 9) arriving back New York (OC 18).

1933 cover with "114, Place La Fayette, Paris" printed on flaps diagonal edge stampless to Tortola with partial ROAD-TOWN OC 19 (33) backstamp, manuscript "unknown - return to sender" with matching ink asterisk alongside printed "LIGUE CONTRE LE POURBOIRE" (League Against Tipping), handstruck RETURN/VOIRauDO5, boxed RETOUR/A L'ENVOYEUR", and handstruck "T" with Bruxelles 28 XI 1933 arrival and 1fr Postage Due (closed tear) added and cancelled, partial ROAD-TOWN backstamp.

CHILE postal history
1906 b/w ppc of La Laguna, Santiago with text at base to Fort de France, Martinique with 2c, 20c pmk'd 22 1 05 with JAMAICA/TRANSIT ("A" below last leg of "M") and Kingston 5F/FE 19 05 transit alongside, some blemishes.

COLOMBIA postal history
1901 cover with pair 5c pmk'd at Honda SEP 10 1901 to Paris, France with two strikes JAMAICA/TRANSIT ("A" below middle of "M"), reverse Kingston 4H/SP 25 01 transit.

BARBADOS postal history
1899 unsealed rate cover with handstruck purple "MAIL VIA ST. LUCIA." to New York with ½d Seal pmk'd B/JY 24 99.

LONG ISLAND (West Cork, Ireland) postal history
1973 cover with Eire 7½p airmail printed matter rate pmk'd Sgoile Mhure (Schull) 24 IV 73 on face and Long Island 4p Harbour issue tied to reverse addressed Bombay, India, returned with various handstamps showing Baile Atha Cliath (Dublin) 7 AUG 1973 return. Very few of these returned covers which travelled thousands of postal miles are known.
Permission for Long Island locals was given by the Department of Posts, Dublin. After a year of preparation, much delayed by difficulty in finding a perforating machine, the stamps were issued AP 24 1973. First Day Covers were prepared and serviced in Schull (and collected later in the day) and over 1,000 others letters were posted that day to collectors and stamp trade worldwide. Instead of travelling the 60 miles direct to Cork Airport these letters reached nearby Skibbereen where postal rules dictated that all mail should be cleared before employees go home. Instead of the expected 15 or so letters over 1,000 arrived and on noticing the Long Island locals on reverse Dublin was phoned who said not to accept more mail until the matter was looked into. Orders were serviced in the following weeks, but due Government reshuffles no authorisation to continue ever came and the service, although legally approved, was eventually abandoned.

LONG ISLAND (West Cork, Ireland) postal history
1973 cover with Eire 7½p airmail printed matter rate pmk'd Sgoile Mhure (Schull) 24 IV 73 on face and Long Island 4p Harbour issue tied to reverse addressed Caracas, Venezuela, returned with various handstamps showing Baile Atha Cliath (Dublin) 22 AUG 1973 return. Very few of these returned covers which travelled thousands of postal miles are known.
Permission for Long Island locals was given by the Department of Posts, Dublin. After a year of preparation, much delayed by difficulty in finding a perforating machine, the stamps were issued AP 24 1973. First Day Covers were prepared and serviced in Schull (and collected later in the day) and over 1,000 others letters were posted that day to collectors and stamp trade worldwide. Instead of travelling the 60 miles direct to Cork Airport these letters reached nearby Skibbereen where postal rules dictated that all mail should be cleared before employees go home. Instead of the expected 15 or so letters over 1,000 arrived and on noticing the Long Island locals on reverse Dublin was phoned who said not to accept more mail until the matter was looked into. Orders were serviced in the following weeks, but due Government reshuffles no authorisation to continue ever came and the service, although legally approved, was eventually abandoned.

CAYMAN BRAC, Cayman Islands postal history
1922 large part cover front to New York with KGV 2½d pmk'd CAYMAN BRAC MY 1 22 with black boxed "SEAMENS CHURCH INSTITUTE/UNCLAIMED" applied blue "MAY 10 1922"; with mauve New York DEC 6 1922 "Moved, Left. No Address" and purple boxed "Returned Letter Branch/DEC 18 1922/JAMAICA." Lots of character.

1931 cover with GB KGV 1½d tied Glasgow machine dated 3 SEP 1931 to "BAMENDA, B.W.I." with handstruck "NOT KNOWN" and "ADVERTISED" applied Barbados 19 SEP 1931 (backstamp) with manuscript "Try Bermuda" amended "Not" with "Try" deleted with Hamilton 23 NOV 31 backstamp, originally poorly opened 3 sides but frontal tear at right sealed with tear at left open.

BERMUDA postal history
1938 cover from H.A.& E. Smith Ltd, Hamilton (printed flap) with 2d, pair 3d to The Conestoga National Bank, Lancaster, Pennsylvania opened despite "SEALED ARTICLES/SECURE OWNER'S/PERMISSION TO/OPEN." handstamp with circled "PASSED/FREE OF DUTY", sealed with "Foreign Letter Package/COLLECT 10 CENTS" 5-line handstamp with U.S. 10c due affixed and tied.

1865 cover with QV 2d rose-carmine (SG.2) cancelled manuscript Souris "S" to Capt. Angus McInnis, Charlottetown with matching ink colour PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND JY 26 1865 backstamp and handstruck str. line "NOT CALLED FOR.". (Vincent Greene 2010 cert). Ex CARR, WILKINSON
A unique cover as such
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